
发布于: 雪球回复:17喜欢:0


回复 @shanghairen:哦,你这么大年纪,在国外不觉得孤单么?爷爷,你在外国用别的即时聊天工具么?我去美国能做什么工作?美国人也那么多失业的。

2011-08-15 23:29

回复 @小灵通:hi, my real name is zhang pin fu. I have one child, she and her husband live in Shanghai now, they have good job in Shanghai. last week I don't lose money, because I buy CHCI at price $1.02 to $1.12 this is low price, if you enter USA, I will help you, you don't worry any things, New York City is beautiful City, USA is beautiful country, you will like USA, from pinfuzhang.

回复 @shanghairen:哦,那我得叫你爷爷了。不知道爷爷你怎么称呼?叫我小伟吧。你的电话我记下了。前些日子美股大跌,你没亏得很惨吧。我也想去美国看看,但是人生地不熟的。爷爷,你有几个孩子啊?都在美国呀。

2011-08-15 22:57

回复 @小灵通:hi, I am Shanghairen, I immigrate to USA from Shanghai in 1998, I have USA green card since 1998, I am 63 years old, I have retire in Shanghai since 2008, I have retire in New York City since 2009 too, I am salesman in USA before 2009, I play stock in New York City now, you don't hold stock long time, you must hold cash wait opportunity, everywhere have opportunity, if you enter USA, you can call me at 646 420 3709. this is my USA cellphone number, I will help you, I think live in USA is very easy, you don't worry any things, from pinfuzhang.

回复 @shanghairen:OK。我知道你是上海人吧。朋友,你现在在美国工作了?恩。祝你好运,在异国他乡不容易。

2011-08-15 01:46

回复 @小灵通:hi, I am Chinese, I expect you write in Chinese next time, I live in USA now, my Chinese is good than my English, can you write this return in Chinese again, I would like to answer your any questions. from pinfuzhang.

回复 @shanghairen:Oh. Ask, you are Chinese or American? Can earn money of course happy. Earn money, or even a loss, don't be discouraged. I have some to fry the useful information, can you ask in advance to the company when was the announcement, it is not a gain of dollars, but a few dollars.

But, when the time comes you make money, I scored ten percent profit. This is not a lot. Every life is not easy. I understand you, I hope you understand. Thank you.

Have intent to cooperate, we can further talk. The people I speak good faith, will not lie to you.

2011-08-14 00:42

回复 @小灵通:I buy 4000 shares CHCI at price $1.02 last week, I sold 4000 shares CHCI at price $1.16 last Friday < August 12 >, I gain $560. you must buy and sell every day or every two day & every three day, you don't long time hold, if you hold stock long time, you may be lose money or time, time = money. from pinfuzhang.