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Summary: this week the market prev weekly with the amount of Yang clip Yin, breakthrough and stood on the neckline bit 2850; and Shenzhengchengzhi weekly with the amount of, or less, close Doji received 10000 points. Two common characteristics of the volume amplification, which shows that the two sessions on the eve of the OTC funds, and actively enter the market. The whole week disk, high beta coefficient of the supply side, cyclical stocks active, and entrepreneurship in technology stocks more in the RANS trends, and today's fast adjustment. Central enterprises reform stocks out of the trend of differentiation, but the reorganization of the pattern has not changed the subject matter of speculation. It is expected that the registration system will be the topic of discussion, next week the market will continue to further differentiation, two eight pattern will continue. 小结:本周市场,沪指周线带量两阳夹一阴,突破并站上颈线技术位2850点;而深证成指周线带量收十字星收10000点以下。两市共同的特征成交量放大,表明场外资金两会前夕,积极入市。全周盘面来看,贝塔系数较高的供给侧、周期股表现活跃,而创业板科技类股票更多处于陪跑的走势,并今天快速调整。央企改革股走出分化走势,但重组题材炒作格局仍未改变。预料,注册制的话题将被两会讨论,下周市场仍会进一步分化,二八格局仍将延续。仅供参考