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所以,高智商的人如长期资本管理的参与者(Long-Term Capital Management L.P.)和牛顿爵士都在投资上失败了,而很多一般智商的人却可以成功。




Now let’s answer a vitally important question. What exactly does Graham mean by an “intelligent” investor? Back in the first edition of this book, Graham defines the term—and he makes it clear that this kind of intelligence has nothing to do with IQ or SAT scores. It simply means being patient, disciplined, and eager to learn; you must also be able to harness your emotions and think for yourself. This kind of intelligence, explains Graham, “is a trait more of the character than of the brain.”


Sir Isaac Newton was one of the most intelligent people who ever lived, as most of us would define intelligence. But, in Graham’s terms, Newton was far from an intelligent investor. By letting the roar of the crowd override his own judgment, the world’s greatest scientist acted like a fool.

In short, if you’ve failed at investing so far, it’s not because you’re stupid. It’s because, like Sir Isaac Newton, you haven’t developed the emotional discipline that successful investing requires. In Chapter 8, Graham describes how to enhance your intelligence by harnessing your emotions and refusing to stoop to the market’s level of irrationality. There you can master his lesson that being an intelligent investor is more a matter of “character” than “brain.”

(备注: intelligent在微软百科自带字典中的第二个意思是: sensible or rational: showing or resulting from an ability to think and understand things clearly and logically 其同义词是rational,sensible,反义词是irrational)


2019-06-17 14:55

letting the roar of the crowd override his own judgment让人群的噪音影响着他自己的判断?

2019-06-17 14:57

stoop 还有屈服的意思啊