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Reed, Don’t Listen To Wall Street.
网页链接 $Netflix(NFLX)$ Reed, don’t listen to Wall Street. Just keep pushing the studios to open up more of their movies and TV shows to streaming, and customers will follow.In the end, making its product better is the only part that Netflix can control. Keep doing that, Reed, and your customers will keep backing you no matter what Wall Street thinks.


2011-09-19 14:03

现在看来用户反映可归纳为3种:1)彻底退订NFLX服务;2)继续使用DVD服务,但减少订阅量;3)升级为15.98的DVD+在线视频服务(预期未下调,近1/2美国用户在本季内续订)。网页链接 //周末重新看了一遍《华尔街》,想起了Blue Horse。

2011-09-19 12:35


2011-09-19 10:56

@申文风 看这篇文章的分析,砍dvd业务真是太好了。流失的100万,80万是dvd业务,20万是dvd和streaming的套餐业务。纯streaming肯定会继续。