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GSX was created in 2014 with an Cayman Island registration: goal: get listed in the US. Larry was confident from day one that GSX would be listed in the US: In June 2014, GSX had 12 employees, prior to it's first round of public fund raising, GSX requested its employees to buy shares: original share 100 million at USD2/share. GSX sent email to its employees required decision making in 3 days and share capital to be made in 20 days. 136 employees bought > USD9 million.

Larry said in 2015: almost 700 employees with 200 R&D staff. GSX has its of cash and the $50 million raised almost intact. 6/16/2015: claimed one day transaction of RMB58.32 million.

Then in June 2015 GSX was exposed to require it's teachers brushing. 据该商家透露,其一个月在跟谁学平台上刷单四十万元。他们与跟谁学签订了协议,之后每个月要保持至少20万,同时要求在6月16号跟谁学活动上,单日需要刷10万。("刷单)的号都是假的,平台给了我们十几个号,加上我们自己员工申请的,大概二十多个号,我们一个课,就买2-5万。”该商家称。

Then in 2017, Larry said "坦率地说,我最焦虑的时候应该是在2015年的下半年,那个时候非常焦虑,焦虑到经常半夜醒来,睡不着觉。因为那个时候没有变现场景,或者说没有变现收入"

2017: claimed 600 employees, 跟谁学的平台上有60多万老师,有7万家机构.


He specifically mentioned "U盟分销": revenue divergence - brushing.

Separated 天校 and other subsidiaries immediately led to profitable.

2018: Larry claimed over 1000 employees (in fact, gaotu had 80 employees in August 2018). Over 100,000 students at Gaotu.

GSX dismissed it's majority of employees in December 2018, then started its IPO process in January 2019. The second day after IPO, Larry flew back to China and talked to his employees: "GSX got listed is our sky-high luck", also signed confidentiality agreement with employees.


2020-09-10 15:36


2020-09-10 16:55
