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$跟谁学(GSX)$ 我刚刚发送了一封电子邮件到GSX CFO & IR.如果我得到回应将会更新 

To: ir@genshuixue.com, shennan@baijiahulian.com, shennan@genshuixue.com

admit the fraud to avoid jail term


It's shocking to see how bold you have gone on your second quarter financials. You even didn't mention the tax bill you received from the Beijing tax investigative bureau in the amount of RMB100 - 250 million. I am sure you disputed the tax bill based on the uncertainty of the internal investigation outcome. But uncertainty doesn't grant you the right to hide it from investors, failure to disclose itself is a serious fenony.

As a CFO, don't you understand that it's your responsibility to proper internal control of financial reporting. That you must know your course tutors monthly salaries are consisted of base salary + sales commission, no matter it's promotional course tutor or full-price course tutor. Therefore, you have detailed records that's signed off by course tutor team-leader or above to calculate your true revenues.

You have also hide from the investors that many wrongdoing of gsx have been identified and corrective procedures have been implemented. Your website have started showing true enrollment numbers for your promotional courses, which the numbers nose dive from tens of 000' to majorities below one 000. Your majority teachers have stopped the acting "Daibao", using promotional student IDs to sign up their own courses. I have watched one of your teacher exploded during class when he found out his tutors were doing the same old trick, and one of your teacher even said: delete these "daibao, I want to see how many actually left. All of these informations are very material that if disclose it would affect investor decisions on your stock.

This letter is to urge you take correct action and disclose the true information to investors. Stop continue cheating investors immediately! 


2020-09-04 15:52


2020-09-04 16:37


2020-09-04 23:10


2020-09-04 18:58


2020-09-04 17:54

record the class and report to SEC!不要跟他们说证据是啥 他们很容易就会掩盖

2020-09-04 17:52


2020-09-04 16:53

daibao是啥robot 的称呼?

2020-09-04 15:18


2020-09-04 15:04
