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有税单正式通知了吗 还是一个推测

2020-09-03 08:25

I am sure gsx disputed the tax bill because the tax investigation is also ongoing.
According to US standards, you would have to disclose even if you dispute, gsx went on without even mentioning it suggest larry got nothing more to lose but to sustain his shareprice for as long as he can at all cost.

2020-09-01 11:59

GSX has received the tax bill. Its a fact not guessing.


2020-09-01 11:35

Its from Scorpion report. 由于,GSX 的子公司北京高途云集教育科技有限公司、北京乐学 帮网络技术有限公司违反中国税法规定,将受到补税、罚款、缴纳滞 纳金的处罚,总金额在 1 亿-2.5 亿元之间,GSX 将有严重的违法风 险,投资者利益会受到严重损害。