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$TG Therapeutics, Inc.(TGTX)$ $Editas Medicine, Inc.(EDIT)$ $百济神州(BGNE)$


I read an article on Science Translational Medicine named ‘Neoadjuvant chemotherapy induces breast cancer metastasis through a TMEM-mediated mechanism’.

The paper showed although chemotherapy could impair the size of tumor in short term, it might lead to more aggressive tumors. The research also demonstrated that breast cancer chemotherapy increased the number of cancer cells circulating tumor cells in the bloodstream.

The relapse after treatment with ibrutinib and chemo is not rare, is there any possibility that there are similar mechanisms as that in breast cancer? As is known, TG-1101 and TGR-1202 don’t use together with (TGTX has trials use chemo but they are not their major asset). So treatment of CLL without chemo might be urgently needed. TG-1101 +TGR-1202 and chemo-Free Triplet can be very good alternatives.

For gene-editing company, this might be an encourging news that therapies other than chemotherapy could come into play.