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$Editas Medicine(EDIT)$ CRISPR利益相关科学家严厉批评在Nature Method发表的夸大CRISPR脱靶的论文,要求收回论文,NM在沟通考虑中。
Gene Editing Companies Hit Back at Paper That Criticized CRISPR

Two gene-editing companies are hitting back at a scientific publication that caused their stocks to plummet last week, calling it wrong, filled with errors, and saying it shouldn’t have been published.

In separate letters sent to Nature Methods, scientists from Intellia Therapeutics and Editas Medicine criticized a report in the journal that claimed the gene-editing tool CRISPR had caused unexpected mutations in the genomes of mice and which cast a shadow over efforts to initiate human studies using the technique.

Nessan Bermingham, CEO of Intellia, called for the journal to retract the paper, effectively an effort to remove it from the scientific record.

“This publication has garnered a significant level of media and public attention resulting in significant damage,” he said. “Given the issues around the design and interpretation I believe it is appropriate that theNature Methods editorial board retract this paper.”

A spokesperson at Springer Nature, which publishes Nature Methods, said the organization had received “a number of communications” already about the paper. “We are carefully considering all concerns that have been raised with us and are discussing them with the authors,” the journal said. Vinit Majhajan of Stanford University, who was the paper’s senior author, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Another author, Alexander Bassuck of the University of Iowa, said he was traveling and unable to respond immediately.

The paper, titled “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 editing in vivo,” triggered a rash of negative headlines after claiming the gene-editing tool caused widespread and unpredictable havoc in the genomes of edited mice, introducing hundreds of unintended errors.

The stock market value of Editas Medicine, Intellia Therapeutics, and CRISPR Therapeutics, which together have raised more than $1 billion to pursue CRISPR treatments, all fell sharply on the news.

On Twitter and elsewhere, other scientists quickly pointed out basic mistakes in the paper, including misidentifying genes, the small number of animals involved and, most seriously, that it had mislabeled normal genetic differences between animals as the result of CRISPR editing.

“In our opinion the conclusions drawn from this study are unsubstantiated by the disclosed experiments,” wrote Vic Myer, chief technology officer of Editas, in a letter signed by 11 other company scientists as well as by George Church, a Harvard University professor who is a scientific cofounder and shareholder of Editas.

Church said the paper should “possibly” be retracted, and at a minimum should be updated to disclose “major missing considerations.”

CRISPR technology is widely touted as a revolutionary new means of easily altering DNA. But its promise is being exaggerated in media reports, including some that claim it will cure all genetic disease and solve the world’s food problems with superplants.

CRISPR can be programmed to cut specific sequences of DNA letters, thereby correcting or changing genes. While this versatility is what makes it powerful, if the same or similar sequence of letters appears elsewhere in the genome, that can result in an unintentional or off-target edit. Concern over the technique’s potential side effects is widely shared, even by some of its inventors.

The fear is that planned medical treatments using CRISPR could prove dangerous. A single erroneous cut could be disastrous for patients if it lands in a vital gene. Fifteen years ago, pioneering experiments in gene therapy were set back when unintentional genetic changes caused cancer in some children. Many scientists believe careful programming can eliminate most of the risk.

The ease of use of CRISPR means nearly any lab can try it. In China, some human experiments have already begun. The rush to use the method is part of what’s creating anxiety, since it makes mistakes more likely. Editas recently postponed its own planned study of CRISPR to correct an eye disease until next year.

According to Intellia, however, the authors showed “disregard” for what’s already known about CRISPR. “It is clear the authors are not experts on the CRISPR Cas9, whole genome sequencing, nor basic genetics. Their claim of ‘unexpected mutations’ clearly demonstrates their lack of scientific acumen around this topic,” the company said.


2017-06-12 22:10


2017-06-12 22:09




Nessan Bermingham是英特尔的首席执行官,他呼吁华尔街日报收回这篇论文,实际上是为了将其从科学记录中删除。


出版自然方法的Springer自然杂志的一名发言人说,该组织已经收到了关于这篇论文的“许多沟通”。华尔街日报称:“我们正在仔细考虑与我们一起提出的所有担忧,并正在与作者讨论这些问题。”斯坦福大学的Vinit Majhajan是该论文的资深作者,他没有立即回复记者的置评请求。另一位作家,爱荷华大学的Alexander Bassuck说,他正在旅行,无法立即做出反应。










然而,根据Intellia的说法,作者们对CRISPR已经知道的东西表示了“漠视”。“很明显,作者不是CRISPR Cas9、全基因组测序的专家,也不是基础遗传学。他们对“意外突变”的说法清楚地表明,他们在这个问题上缺乏科学的智慧,”该公司说。