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$普拉格能源(PLUG)$ 盘前9个多点,有啥子消息?


其实看看$普拉格能源(PLUG)$ 的月线,真的非常经典,就像07年1月之前的云南铜业式的超级大牛股票

2014-07-29 21:10

再看看了a股中$华昌化工(SZ002274)$ 等的技术形态,的确行情还没有结束,$普拉格能源(PLUG)$ 创新高指日可待

2014-07-29 21:05


2014-07-29 20:50

2014-07-29 20:38

PlugPower Inc. (Nasdaq:PLUG) today confirms the company has received a follow-onGenKey purchase order from Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. to add an additional, seventh,GenKey site to the original six-site contract it announced in February 2014.This additional site in Sterling, IL consists of 286 GenDrive fuel cell unitsand is planned to deploy in the third quarter of 2014.