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The Petrochemical Industry Is Set To Explode 石化工业注定爆发

*The global movement to ditch fossil fuels is largely focused on transport and industry, but the petrochemical industry will need fossil fuels for decades to come.

*The value of the petrochemical market is forecast to grow to $1 trillion by 2030, increasing its demand for crude oil and natural gas.

*the petrochemical industry is all but certain to see growth in the coming decade, it will need to invest heavily in decarbonizing operations.

* 摒弃化石能源主要关注点在交通和工业上面,但是石化工业在未来的几十年继续需要化石原料。

* 到2030石化市场预计成长到1万亿美元,从而增加石油和天然气的需求量。

* 然而在未来十年里石化工业确定性的增长前提下,对其大举减碳投资也刻不容缓。

The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that global crude demand will continue to increase until 2025, before decreasing at a CAGR of 1 percent between 2026 and 2050. The IEA believes that oil use as a petrochemical feedstock is the only area that will see an increase in demand, with 55 percent of all global oil demand contributing to the petrochemical market by 2050.


The petrochemical industry is expected to continue to grow well into the next two decades, with the demand for petrochemical products continuing to increase worldwide. This will be a major driver for oil and gas demand over the next 30 years, even as we see a decrease in the reliance on fossil fuels for heating and transport.


$中国石化(SH600028)$ $万华化学(SH600309)$ $东方盛虹(SZ000301)$ 


好好先生p2u2022-06-17 12:43
