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$Azul(AZUL)$ 2022年ebitda超过2019年。之前卖飞了你,今天捡回来。


2021-11-12 23:29

之前$Azul(AZUL)$ 跌倒13出头,不敢相信。把$Volaris航空(VLRS)$ $墨西哥中北部机场(OMAB)$ 全部换成azul。今天才看季报,是因为真的对这家公司放心。

2021-10-08 22:39

$Azul(AZUL)$ 9月 “Domestic demand in Brazil continues to improve as we increased domestic capacity by 43% quarter over quarter. Recent booking trends are strong with both average fares and booked revenue above 2019 levels. We are very excited with the revenue potential for the upcoming months”

2021-09-21 10:07
