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$趣头条(QTT)$ 1.71亿美元的三年可转债,年息3%,转股价$15。

Pursuant to the agreement, Alibaba will advance approximately US$171 million in aggregate principal amount of convertible loan (the “Convertible Loan”) to Qutoutiao. The Convertible Loan will be convertible into Class A ordinary shares of Qutoutiao (the “Shares”) at Alibaba’s option at a conversion price of US$60 per share, equivalent to US$15 per ADS. Upon full conversion of the Convertible Loan, the Company will issue new shares to Alibaba, representing approximately 4.0% of the Company’s share capital as of the date hereof. Interest of 3% per annum will accrue on the Convertible Loan, which will be waived in case of conversion or payable at maturity. The Convertible Loan will mature in three years, unless previously repaid or converted in accordance with their terms prior to such date.