Wiliamhsu 的讨论

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2014-06-12 22:44


2014-06-12 16:48



Grow versions about the emergence of a private room mobile operator in Argentina, and it appears that will Kirchner.

Backed-and stimulus-Casa Rosada, publishes The Nation, entrepreneurs Matías Garfunkel and Sergio Szpolski, partners multimedia Twenty are by setting foot in this area, which soon frequencies for services were tendered 3G and 4G.

They have at least two choices: buy Nextel (sale for a year) or presented with Telcorad an unknown owned telecommunications SME entrepreneurs.

The first alternative, the acquisition of Nextel-business was confirmed by sources familiar with the transaction close up because they also attempted to acquire the operator, so far without success, despite being offered more money.

The second option was informed the morning mentioned a high source of the Twenty-group, whereby Garfunkel and analyzed Szpolski buying Nextel, but then discarded.

In any case, employers have the approval of the government of Cristina Kirchner, especially the youth group La Campora, occupying key positions in the area, including in the Ministry of Communications and Arsat.

"The Americans Nextel would like to sell to someone with more 'integrity', as they say, but they have no choice but to do it that assure you that the transaction will be approved by the Government, and this seems to be the case," said one of the sources.

Who should ensure that firm's communications minister, Norberto Berner, one of the premier Campora led the President's son, Máximo Kirchner. If not given the official OK, Nextel and buyer enter into a limbo of uncertainty.

According to the executive of Twenty-referral, "what the government is coming on because it is not public service, and if it has to be authorized, it must do so with fewer requirements and almost no discretion."

All sources declined to be cited involved, but it is in all cases of high and recognized corporate executives who fight for entry into the mobile phone.

"Did not you used Nextel unless we sell it for two dollars. Sites where your antennas are 70% leased and not cover the entire Argentina, do not have 3G spectrum and would have to throw away all the technology used would be like buy a tender for airline and railway line. needless to tender backpack and used obsolete technology, "spokesman Twenty consultation respondent said.

Instead, he confirmed: "We will participate in the tender for 3G and 4G without Nextel, together Szpolski Garfunkel and, through a little girl telco company that the group operates in Mendoza and Neuquén and called Telcorad" he said.

According to reports, may buy Nextel Szpolski Garfunkel and two pesos because Kirchner apply to the operator of a recipe like "Argentinization" which was used as YPF in 2007, before finally estatizarla.

Thus, Nextel would be purchased in part with their own money. Prevented from rotating dividends to its parent company, the firm has a box full of pesos (one source says that would amount to $ s120 million other states that could be up to u $ s180 million).

The government will allow you to convert those pesos to dollars at the official value and turn them to his headquarters, where any action is enough to placate a debt of nearly $ s6000 million.

When asked about how the landing will be financed mobile phone, only Twenty spokesman said: "We are going to do finance and other operators."

However, if Garfunkel-Szpolski to tender are presented Telcorad SMEs will have to swell to infinity their financial backs. "In such lictación you can submit a letter of irrevocable commitment or guarantee from a bank financing," Twenty exaggerated source.

Beyond the turn of retained foreign exchange, according to market sources, the subsidiary of Nextel Argentina currently be worth about $ s200 million.

2014-06-09 21:08



2014-06-09 21:00


2014-06-09 19:47

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2014-06-08 22:49


2014-06-08 22:49

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2014-06-08 20:52


2014-06-08 19:37




2014-06-08 19:07
