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康奈尔生物教授 Christopher E. Mason 新书「The Next 500 Years: Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds」对人类未来 500 年进行了分阶段预测:

Phase 1: The Landscape of Functional Genomics (2010–2020)
Phase 2: Preliminary Engineering of Genomes (2021–2040)
Phase 3: Long-Term Trials of Human and Cellular Engineering (2041–2100)
Phase 4: Preparing Humans for Space (2101–2150)
Phase 5: Synthetic Biology for New Homes (2151–2200)
Phase 6: Expanding the Limits of Life (2201–2250)
Phase 7: Test a Generation Ship and Settle Harsh Worlds (2251–2350)
Phase 8: Settle New Earths (2351–2400)
Phase 9: Launch toward the Second Sun (2401–2500)
Phase 10: Optimistic Unknowns (Beyond 2500)
2018-03-09 11:56
黄蛋蛋 回复 @韭菜非赵西游记