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1. Alphabet Q2 FY23
Income statement:
Here is a bird’s-eye view of the income statement.
Chart by App Economy Insights
Revenue by segment (growth Y/Y):
Advertising: $58.1 billion (+3%).
Search: $42.6 billion (+5%).
YouTube ads: $7.7 billion (+4%).
Network: $7.9 billion (-5%).
Other (Play, Hardware, Subscriptions): $8.1 billion (+24%).
Cloud: $8.0 billion (+28%, no decelerarion).
Other Bets were $0.3 billion.
Main highlights:
Revenue grew +7% Y/Y to $74.6 billion or +9% fx neutral (a $1.8 billion beat).
Gross margin was 57% (flat Y/Y).
Operating margin was 29% (+1pp Y/Y).
Services (Advertising & Other) was 35% (+1pp Y/Y).
Cloud was 5% (+14pp Y/Y, +2pp Q/Q).
Earnings per share $1.44 ($0.10 beat).
Cash flow:
Operating cash flow was $28.7 billion (38% margin, +10pp Y/Y).
Free cash flow was $21.8 billion (29% margin, +11pp Y/Y).
Balance sheet:
Cash, cash equivalent, and marketable securities: $118.3 billion.$谷歌C(GOOG)$
Long-term debt: $13.7 billion.$谷歌A(GOOGL)$1. Alphabet Q2 1. Alphabet Q2 1. Alphabet Q2 1. Alphabet Q2