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$PBF Energy Inc. Class A(PBF)$ 相关新闻:
1. EPA(The Environmental Protection Agency )建议削减 石油混合物。
Under the EPA’s new proposal, gasoline refiners will have to mix their fuel with 19.24 billion gallons of ethanol and advanced biofuels, of which 15 billion gallons of conventional ethanol – the one produced from corn starch directly, rather than from corn starch produced from renewable corn biomass. This compares with a target of 26 billion gallons of biofuels in total set for 2018 back in 2007.


2017-07-07 08:51

总的来说, 个人认为仍然没到大涨的时候。 继续跌了卖些put, 涨了卖些(covered) call 的策略。

2017-07-07 08:39


2017-07-07 08:25

2. Torrance 炼油厂在大修过程和大修完成后,仍然时不时报告各种小问题, 今天喷个火, 明天又什么气体泄漏等。 但没出什么大问题。

2017-07-07 08:23

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