Virgin Galactic - 分享维珍银河主席Chamath的观点(外加一个彩蛋)!

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 $维珍银河(SPCE)$   Virgin Galactic的Chairman,Chamath Palihapitiya最新的观点分享(对了,这货搞了不少空头支票上市了,Virgin Galactic的股票他也已经卖了不少了,选择性吸收吧[笑哭]):

1/ People misunderstand space and its implications. Since the Apollo project, focusing on space has allowed engineers and scientists to push the boundaries of the possible.


2/ Those advances would then find their way into our day to day lives - because when things are engineered for microscopic tolerances in space, they enable seemingly magical things on earth.


3/ We are now on the verge of a global expansion of space - from pervasive internet connectivity and interplanetary travel to space tourism.


4/ All of this will create a waterfall of technical progress that can benefit all of humanity. Today was another small but key step towards this mission.


5/ Commercial space tourism will play an important role if we are to become a robust multi planetary species. It will require lots of innovation and iteration.


6/VirginGalactic will continue to be a leader in this space and I congratulate Richard Branson and the entire team on reaching another important milestone. Onwards and upwards.

维珍银河将继续成为这个领域的领导者,我祝贺理查德布兰森和整个团队达到另一个重要的里程碑。Onwards and upwards,继续向前!


官方抽奖活动,两个太空旅游名额哦,Win Two Seats on One of the FIRST Virgin Galactic Flights to Space:网页链接


对太空领域(Astra $Astra Space(ASTR)$   、Rocket Lab、Momentus、Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc、Spire Global、Planet等等)及其他硬科技感兴趣的可以关注我,我将持续更新!