关于目前Astra手上的50+发射合同($1.2 B的pipeline)

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Of the 50 contracted launches, what’s the mix between commercial and government? And what type of demand are you seeing in both areas?

The mix is about 50/50 today. We’re seeing a lot of demand in both areas. We’re seeing a tremendous amount of new activity from new companies and existing companies. There’s never been more capital being invested in small satellites. The government has been doubling down on their small satellite programs, both in civilian and defense, and in other areas. NASA TROPICs and NASA VCLS [Venture Class Launch Services] are great examples. We were honored and humbled to win those and to beat some incredible companies like SpaceX bidding against us(比如今年初:Astra has won a $7.95 million launch contract with NASA to launch a constellation of six cubesats for storm research over three launches.). NASA has seen the production line and talked to the teams. Astra doesn’t beat SpaceX because NASA wasn’t paying attention.

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