2019三大首选医疗股:Illumina、Intuitive Surgical 和Teladoc Health

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医疗保健一直是一个需求不断上升的领域,2019年首选的三大医疗股票分别为:美国生物科技公司Illumina、美国医疗设备公司Intuitive Surgical和美国远程医疗公司Teladoc Health#医药股#

At the most basic level, there are two necessary ingredients for a business to generate strong growth. Rapidly increasing demand for a company's products or services is a must. The company also has to be able to execute well enough to capitalize on that demand. Checking off these boxes leads to revenue growth -- and usually share price appreciation as well.


The overall economy greatly affects demand for products and services in most industries. But healthcare is one area where demand is likely to continue rising regardless of what happens with the global economy. That's why healthcare growth stocks are a great addition to most investors' portfolios. And strong demand and solid execution put Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN), Intuitive Surgical (NASDAQ: ISRG), and Teladoc Health (NYSE: TDOC) at the top of the list of healthcare growth stocks to buy in 2019.

整体经济对大多数行业的产品和服务需求有很大影响。但医疗保健是一个需求很可能继续上升的领域,无论全球经济发生什么。这就是为什么医疗保健成长型股票是大多数投资者投资组合中的一个重要组成部分。强劲的需求和稳健的执行使得 Illumina ( NASDAQ : ILMN )、 Intuitive Surgical ( NASDAQ : ISRG )和 Teladoc Health ( NYSE : TDOC )成为2019年将购买的医疗增长股票的榜首。

Have you ever wondered how companies like Ancestry and 23andMe use your saliva to figure out what countries your ancestors came from? They use Illumina's technology. So do many of the top genetic researchers across the world. Illumina's systems have been used for over 90% of all gene sequencing that has been performed.

你有没有想过像 Ancestry 和23andMe 这样的公司是如何利用你的唾液来找出你的祖先来自哪个国家的?他们使用 Illumina 的技术。世界上许多顶级基因研究人员也是如此。Illumina 的系统已经被用于超过90%的已执行的基因测序。

Fast-growing demand for personal genomics is only one growth driver for Illumina. It's still relatively early in the launch of the company's NovaSeq next-generation sequencing system. NovaSeq has already been a huge success for Illumina (the company's sequencing instrument sales were the highest in years in Q3), and there are plenty of existing customers who haven't yet switched to the new system.

对个人基因组学的快速增长的需求只是 Illumina 的一个增长驱动力。公司的 NovaSeq 下一代测序系统上市尚处于较早阶段。NovaSeq 已经在 Illumina 取得了巨大的成功(该公司的测序仪器销量在第三季度是多年来最高的),而且还有很多现有客户尚未转向新系统。

The company also expects that the NovaSeq platform will lead to a reduction in costs -- with the roughly $1,000 required to map a human genome going down to roughly $100. That will open up the world of gene sequencing to lots of new customers.

该公司还预计, NovaSeq 平台将降低成本,将人类基因组图谱所需的大约1000美元降至约100美元。这将为许多新客户打开基因测序的世界。$Illumina(ILMN)$ $达芬奇手术机器人(ISRG)$ $Teladoc(TDOC)$ 


2019三大首选医疗股:Illumina、 Intuitive Surgical 和Teladoc Health
