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# 2023 Valentine's Day

Venus Medtech, you're a real gem,

Leading the world in fixing hearts' hem.

In cardiac care, you're the shining star,

Helping all hearts from near and far.

Four heart valve solutions, 

a testament to your mission,

Including TAVR, TPVR, TTVR, TMVR, 

with total precision.

Becoming a global leader in structural heart disease,

A true sign that your dedication is beyond compare.

Venus Medtech

you have a vision that's rare,

To mend broken hearts with the utmost care.

Your commitment to innovation is profound,

Changing the game, turning cardiac care around.

To advancing the field of cardiac care,

Your impact on hearts everywhere.

Venus Medtech, the name we adore,

Becoming a global leader in structural heart disease and more.

Your mission inspires us to hope and believe,

That a healthier world, we can all achieve.

Venus Medtech, your vision has come true.

On this Valentine's Day, we celebrate you!