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苹果正在与谷歌进行谈判,计划在iPhone中内置谷歌的Gemini人工智能引擎。这一合作可能会对AI行业产生重大影响,并推动苹果在人工智能领域的发展。目前,双方的谈判正处于积极阶段,旨在允许苹果授权使用谷歌的Gemini AI模型,为今年iPhone软件的新功能提供支持。@YH流浪 @canco
Gemini AI引擎是谷歌开发的一套先进的生成式人工智能模型,若合作成功,将有助于苹果提升其在AI领域的竞争力,并可能在未来的iPhone中实现更强大的AI功能。此外,苹果也在自主研发AI大模型,并已在ArXiv上发布了相关论文,介绍了名为“MM1”的多模态大模型,该模型具备图像识别和自然语言推理能力。
苹果此前已收购了DarwinAI,以增强其在AI领域的技术实力。尽管苹果在AI领域的技术相对落后于一些竞争对手,但通过与谷歌等公司的合作,苹果可能寻求快速提升其AI实力,并在未来的产品中实现突破。目前,这一合作尚未有最终结果,但若达成,将为苹果带来谷歌在人工智能领域的先进技术,同时谷歌Gemini AI也将直接触及数十亿潜在用户,进一步巩固其市场地位。#战略与竞争#


03-19 01:33

来自全新搜索工具Perplexity的回答。$谷歌A(GOOGL)$ what's the impact of the cooperation on AI between google and apple. Sources
网页链接{Apple iOS 18: iPhone AI may use Google Gemini or ChatGPT: report - Fast Company}
网页链接{Possible Apple/Google's AI collaboration - The Business Journals}
网页链接{Google is a serious leader in gen AI. Apple agrees with this new strategic collaboration.}
The cooperation between Google and Apple in integrating Google's Gemini AI into iPhones is poised to have significant impacts on the AI landscape and the tech industry as a whole. This collaboration represents a strategic move that could reshape the dynamics of AI development and usage. By leveraging Google's advanced AI capabilities through Gemini, Apple aims to enhance the user experience on iPhones, potentially increasing product appeal and user retention. This integration could lead to iPhones becoming more versatile with state-of-the-art AI features, thereby boosting Apple's stock value.Moreover, Google's strategic positioning as a dominant force in AI through Gemini's integration with iPhones could attract more users to its ecosystem, positively impacting Google's stock performance. This collaboration not only signifies a shift towards prioritizing user experience over rivalry among tech giants but also hints at unprecedented innovations in AI technology. The ripple effects of this partnership may lead to increased competition in the AI sector, prompting other companies like Microsoft to intensify their AI development efforts to stay competitive.For investors, this collaboration opens up opportunities in companies involved in AI hardware, software, and integration. Monitoring how companies incorporate AI into their products and services will be crucial for investors looking to capitalize on the evolving AI landscape. Diversifying investments across tech companies engaged in AI and maintaining a long-term perspective on the growth potential of AI research and development could be key strategies for investors eyeing opportunities in this rapidly evolving sector.

03-18 19:28


03-18 22:06


03-18 21:28
