发布于: 雪球转发:2回复:9喜欢:0
$Amedica(AMDA)$ 起飞了同志们。


2015-10-28 01:18


 not a customer but I was looking to become a vendor. I will NEVER work with this company after interacting with their first line representation. They were, by far, the rudest receptionist I have ever had the displeasure of coming across. If I had the option to become a customer for Amedica I would not.March 13, 2015 · 4 Reviews · 


Smugala Denelle If you wrote this about my company I would have you in court.
Smugala Denelle Legally, you are clearly slandering this company.

Smugala Denelle Once you start advising others not to do business with a company you have set yourself up for an easy lawsuit.



2015-10-27 01:35
