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OK so here's everything you need to know about $AMDA -- ER comes out on the 7th and revenue is expected to grow a few hundred K. They recently announced a new OEM agreement in July but with no details so look for guidance -- may be VERY bullish. The FDA pushback was a blow, but $AMDA is still being used overseas so OEM can have very short term positive results and much larger long term results after approval.

FDA pushback asked for 24mo data which will be completed at the end of september. So FDA approval (or disapproval) sometime between October 1 and January 31. Expect THE SAME RUNUP into FDA that it experienced in July in that time.NASDAQ compliance expires in August. CEO has stated they will file for an extension which will clear them through February. Extension may mention reverse split in february but probably won't be necessary because FDA results will come in before and an easy 10 days over $1.Catalysts: One OEM agreement already announced. Three more pending (again look at the guidance in the ER). Spikes on OEM/partner announce possible at any time. Spike on ER (Friday) possible if guidance is good.

Merger/Buyout Candidate: Some circumstantial evidence support this. 90k options given to a director on July 1 ( Possible key support in helping with a merger/buyout ), golden parachute filing July 22nd. CEO in Japan last week talking with people we believe (with strong evidence) are associated with their OEM partnership.

I believe a merger/BO was in the works but has been pushed back because of the FDA decision. I believe $AMDA will get a better value for its shareholders AFTER $FDA announcement, not before.

TL;DR: buy now. It could pop on news at any moment. You're practically guaranteed a 35% return on runup to new FDA announcement after September and if FDA approves -- to the moon baybee!