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$Amedica(AMDA)$ 来吧,全部复制过来给你们看,自己翻译吧。求赞助。哈哈

all 119 commentssorted by: best

[–]sireddycoke 18 points 16 hours ago

Sold everything today at $0.72 because my YOLO senses were tingling.


[–]Lemonfreshjesus 4 points 16 hours ago

same here. something was up today, had a bad feeling. Got out at $0.78


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 8 points 16 hours ago

Hate myself, was in at .77 and was sweating nuts when it dropped to .69, and still decided not to sell when it hit .79 today.


[–]traderguy1172goes ham, if its $KOSHer 3 points 15 hours ago

Hold long. Don't lose money. I'm now down in the position but I'm holding, just like the last time it dipped to 50


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 2 points 15 hours ago

I'm praying it can hit the low .50's tomorrow so I can sell, eat my loss, and think about why I bought this stock in the first place.


[–]traderguy1172goes ham, if its $KOSHer 10 points 14 hours ago

Buy high sell low - sound reasoning!
Guessing you bought this stock for FDA approval - maybe you should stick to your game plan. Not 3 weeks ago the stock was this price and almost doubled. But to each his own...


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 3 points 14 hours ago

August 18th will be their 180 day compliance period, they either need to get in contact with nasdaq as of yesterday or a R/S is incoming... One of those two will guarantee another 50% bleeding for me


[–]traderguy1172goes ham, if its $KOSHer 3 points 14 hours ago

If you can afford to, I would hold. They are in full compliance with the FDA, the FDA is not just going to dive in and approve a medical human insertion device without crossing their t's etc. FDA doesn't care about the stock price, or when it gets approved.
Unless you think once the FDA is approved it will not be enough to cover your losses. I've got a bit over 3000 shares, it's a decent chunk of money (for me) but I have already written it off in my mind, as you should always do when entering a trade. Really, no choice but to hold now.


[–]upps32 2 points 12 hours ago

FDA will clear. Its already in use in Europe (some think their versions of FDA are more strict than ours) and there are 3 OEM deals waiting on FDA approval. I'm now in for 2k at .60 average and will likely add some more in coming weeks depending on how R/S or listing extension goes.


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 1 point 11 hours ago

I have absolute faith that this will eventually pull up once Q4/Q1 roll around, but I'm also 99% certain this will have to bleed further before it starts to pick up it's .54-.56 war again.


[–]nopurposeflour 0 points 14 hours ago

Yolo? Yolo!


[–]Cock_unblockerThe bro to end all bros 1 point 8 hours ago

You sure you got the spine for this sub?


[–]Metacog_Drivelyour losses only whet my appetite 1 point 15 hours ago

Did the boner go down?


[–]decidedmoment 1 point 14 hours ago

I got out at .72 today. When I sold and saw it head up north I immediately hated myself. Now, just phew.


[–]boseballa2187 8 points 16 hours ago

The only thing i can say to take some of the sting out is:

This is a predictable over reaction to not being the news everyone wanted. It really isn't BAD news.

Now we are gonna have to wait for the 24 month timeline to expire, which means when this goes back-up (I believe it will) we won't have to pay short term capital gains.

IDK lol


[–]upps32 2 points 12 hours ago

The 24 month timeline doesn't start today, it expires end of this year I believe.


[–]boseballa2187 1 point 12 hours ago



[–]Architek9 1 point 9 hours ago



[–]LisleSwanson 6 points 16 hours ago

Gentlemen, Its been an honor...


[–]authoritahhh81 1 point 15 hours ago

Luckily in 2013, I invested my money into this.



[–]-arKK 1 point 13 hours ago

Funny thing is, that yacht was made to appear like that.


[–]eomera 5 points 15 hours ago

You cant order your yacht tomorow but on the upside you have 6 more months to deside what to buy :)

But lets be real: This is a bad news short term and a ok/good news long term. First of all if you read the reports AMDA expected FDA-approval in Q3. Now we get a delay on 4-5months.

On the other side FDA requested a 24month study. If FDA-approval was not going to happen (at all) AMDA most likely already got the answar now! But FDA requestet the 24month study that means that if this studie is positive FDA-approval will come late Q4 or Q1 2016.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 1 point 15 hours ago

But now this is the 2nd time FDA has had questions and required data. It's better than a quick no...but it's not as sure-fire as they expected.


[–]NZzzzzzzz 2 points 14 hours ago

So.... the bigger question is: just how many devices have been installed? How long have they been fielded? Have there been any materials failures? What has the impact been of installing them in older patients (typical target recipients)? Have implants produced bone and tissue failure due to transmitted forces? What is the rate of device removal upon post operation observation. How many patients have died after receiving an implant? What is the long term tissue interaction like? Is the device abrasive to surrounding tissue and bone? Are there coefficient of expansion issues that produce pain management problems?

....and literally thousands of other questions.

Fusing vertebra is fairly barbaric. The future consists of cloned stem cells formed into custom designed replacement vertebra.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 1 point 12 hours ago

Completely agree, unless you can get the study DATA we are all in the dark. My chick works in the surgical field, mainly spine cases and I had her take a look at the info that was available and she thought it all looked good, but obviously that does little to nothing.

That's why this is a gamble, as is any binary event.


[–]eomera 1 point 14 hours ago

Thats true. But getting a approval is hard. We are talking about peoples life/health and FDA need to do there job to make sure its legit and works. So requesting more information about a product is not unormal.

Im thinking about buying more stocks tomorrow, the first 30min alot of people are going to sell and I bet I can make a small profitt from just buying early tomorrow an re selling later or just keep it.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 1 point 14 hours ago

Yeah it'll be tough to gauge. I'm sure there's money in it somewhere, but extremely volatile and would be too long of a hold for my taste. Also, beware there will most likely be a HUGE short presence there. I might let the dust settle.


[–]cisforcookie2112transforbrownies 4 points 16 hours ago

I'm very screwed, especially since I am a RH peasant.


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 2 points 15 hours ago

one thing i didn't think about, this thing is supposed to delist aug 18th if they don't hit above 1.00 for ten consecutive business days. Soooo.... the latest they can start hitting compliance would be next Tuesday or Wednesday? Will they get an auto 180 extension or is this their extension? They better have something damn good up their sleeves besides a R/S


[–]enfu3go 1 point 13 hours ago

we can only hope. on 8/13 they're going to have an investor conference call. i have a strong gut feeling they're going to RS.


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 1 point 11 hours ago

It's possible. I highly recommend we all listen in on that call.


[–]Architek9 1 point 9 hours ago

Fucking cumpile already. Not a lot pf time left before they may need to reverse spit. Fawk it fuxk


[–]proteinbarskek 2 points 14 hours ago

Seriously as some ppl here already said, the news isnt BAD. Good long-term play, looking at its report. Its just everybody bought in expecting imminent FDA approval, and they dont want to wait another year. Impatient speculators (like me) basically getting out


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 4 points 16 hours ago

Looks like they'll have to vote in an RS or get another extension. Ouch. I got out with profit as soon as I read the notice. Sold a chunk at .7745 luckily.



[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 3 points 16 hours ago

Yeah I got absolutely fucked here by trading on robinhood, no AH trading for me.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 2 points 16 hours ago

GL bro. You can always hold long term.


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 0 points 16 hours ago

Definitely wasn't my plan, about time I got burned on this stock after flipping it in its .45-.55 range countless times... FUCKKKKK


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 2 points 15 hours ago

It's a tough break dude. A lot of people got hurt by this. Especially a lot of new traders.


[–]katarn22 6 points 15 hours ago

New trader here, hurt confirmed


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 3 points 15 hours ago

Just gotta learn from it, that's all you can do. Always subscribe to the companies IR alerts and Seeking Alpha shit as well.


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 2 points 15 hours ago

I'm just praying I can sell for low .50's tomorrow... I'll eat my loss and just call it quits for a bit.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 1 point 16 hours ago

How much do you think it will tank tomorrow? :/


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 8 points 16 hours ago*

Well, considering a lot of ppl are on RH and can't trade AH's... it will be a cluster-fuck either way. For some reason ppl are buying right now... which I do not even slightly understand. I'm sure they don't either. It could very well dump in the morning.

You have 2 choices. Sell first thing in the morning, probably for a loss. Hold up to ER, since I'm sure they will have some forward looking statements and their books don't look too bad. Or hold until January and make some good money IF FDA approves them then.

Edit. Getting down voted by ppl who got burned. Reality hurts guys, gotta be prepared for this shit.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 3 points 16 hours ago

Wait just another question. What was the point in them announcing that "partnership" or whatever if they knew it was just gonna be pushed back like this?


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 2 points 15 hours ago

It was "intent" of an agreement dependent upon FDA approval. Either it was legitimate, or they used that to prop the price up to remove some funds.

Gotta read brah


[–]EpicCorpseMan 4 points 15 hours ago

well damn, My first "big" trade lol thought it was going to go really good. I just feel bad now. lesson learned I suppose, just gotta take your profit when you can.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 1 point 16 hours ago

Aggggggg fuck. I have no clue now, I'm at lost puppy at this point.


[–]1nsider1nfolil wayne has no insider info 1 point 16 hours ago

Wait WTF? People are trusting their MONEY with a mobile APP that doesn't allow AH trading? YIKES


[–]28Highfly18 1 point 13 hours ago

I can't trade AH with USAA either. Their investment services are pretty garbage though I have come to find out this last year or so


[–]upps32 1 point 12 hours ago

I use USAA some as well, mainly because I can instantly transfer money in from my USAA accounts or even non-USAA accounts. It's handy to be able to instantly fund an account and make a purchase if needed. Otherwise I use TDA. I have a RH account I made just to see what it was all about. Threw $50 in there last month and used it all for AMDA, ironically. I can see why new traders like it, but I'll stick to my typical 75% TDA / 25% USAA


[–]GreatOthersBrother 3 points 16 hours ago

I'm good. I was hoping for the tank so I could double up!


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 3 points 16 hours ago

I think you missed the point of why it tanked..


[–]GreatOthersBrother 4 points 16 hours ago

I said I was long yesterday. I knew it was a possibility and I was expecting it.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 3 points 15 hours ago

If you expected it, why would you not sell near the high and re-enter once it calms down with a larger position...ya know, from your new found gains.


[–]GreatOthersBrother 1 point 15 hours ago

Because I have a relatively small position. Taking gains wouldnt have helped much. I stuck my yolo funds in bgmd. I wanted to take profits on that pos and put it into amda. Now, with the delay it looks like I'll get in at a better price.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 2 points 15 hours ago

Small cap bio's bro. Very unpredictable. Many people will not play binary events such as this for good reason.


[–]GreatOthersBrother 2 points 14 hours ago

It's disruptive tech on top of that. Fda is going to make them jump through all the hoops before approval. Lobbyist are in their ear as well. Delay delay delay. You can't expect a smooth unobstructed approval. That is basically why I dumped into bgmd instead of this. But I'm getting impatient with them ha-ha.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 1 point 14 hours ago

Tell me about it bro.

This isn't pharma though. It's a medical device. I'd have to dig through notes again to see how many patients they had through the trials etc..


[–]upps32 1 point 12 hours ago

It's already in use in Europe.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 2 points 12 hours ago

Which is why I have been telling people the standards are different. The entire process is different.


[–]U_WUT_OPTION8 1 point 13 hours ago

It's okay to admit you got fucked


[–]GreatOthersBrother 1 point 12 hours ago

I have 1k shares. At most I was up 230 bucks give or take. Nothing to cry about. I only yolo with 5k or less and I dropped a chunk of that into bgmd. The only thing I'm upset about is not taking my amda profits so I could get out of bgmd and be even. Not really butt hurt at all.


[–]traderguy1172goes ham, if its $KOSHer 1 point 15 hours ago

Yeah.. Still waiting for my one dollar target.


[–]theycallme1BGMDildo Manufacturer 3 points 15 hours ago

Hope they arrange a meeting ASAP with Nasdaq.


[–]orfane 1 point 16 hours ago

I got in at .55 so I lost my gains but nothing else yet. Company has to get prices up though to maintain compliance right? Or is it time to completely bail


[–]GreatOthersBrother 1 point 16 hours ago

They could always reverse split.....eh


[–]aditya00"I'm fucking 14" 1 point 16 hours ago

Glad thing I sold at .75, was worried when it got up to .84 right after I sold but happy I sold it. Didn't listen to some of the stupid shits around here that said it would hit 2 bucks lol


[–]JamesAQuinterodon't want mod powers 2 points 13 hours ago

Didn't listen to some of the stupid shits around here



[–]sriram88 1 point 16 hours ago

Well shit. Just bought in at 0.66 today through robin hood. But only 500 bucks in. I'm going long I guess.


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 1 point 16 hours ago

Bought in at .77 the last week, we're both fucked. Unfortunately I had about $1200 in it. Now worth about $500.


[–]smartgoooi will bust my smartgoo all over you 1 point 11 hours ago

Right there with you, bought in at .76 last week friday. Not sure if I should sell tomorrow or average down on a dip. The only thing holding me back from averaging down or even holding long term is the delist possibility.


[–]m0rphr3us 1 point 16 hours ago

Well that hurt a lot.


[–]Bullnettles 1 point 16 hours ago



[–]bageltokki 1 point 16 hours ago*

Wut? Wow close one. Sold at .69 this morning cuz no fda news


[–]mister_the_frogDeliberate waste of a life 1 point 16 hours ago

Welp, guess I'm long now...


[–]orochiman 1 point 15 hours ago

Gonna be delisted then?


[–]holder_account 1 point 15 hours ago

Glad to have unloaded Friday before closing. This is off my radar until 2016.


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 1 point 15 hours ago

I feel like a fucking idiot for not selling today when it hit .79, should've taken my small profit and never looked back. I was glad to hit even at .77

This is my punishment for being greedy I guess


[–]holder_account 1 point 14 hours ago

We all learn the greed lesson at one point.


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 1 point 15 hours ago

Well, i was seriously thinking about throwing some serious dough into this today. Glad i didn't. I guess i'll go long with my current position. It'll be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of days. Definitely not interested in selling AH with all this cluster fuckery going on.

THE questions i have is, WHEN did they get the additional comments from FDA? Was that today? Every move they were making PR wise was setting up nicely for them to release FDA this week. I wouldn't be surprised either way if they've known about FDA for a minute or if they were blindsided by this as well.

in the great scheme of things q4 or q1 really aren't that long of a time to wait. Still see a lot of value here. Unfortunately OEM partnerships will be delayed and we may have to deal with a R/S. management has been very smart in the last couple of weeks. Really hoping they've got some positive PR locked and loaded for the end of the week. Will consider adding at these low low prices tomorrow or wednesday.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 1 point 15 hours ago

I'm in at .50 would it be stupid for me to just hold on? or should I just take a loss... I'm new and I have no idea what to do now


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 2 points 15 hours ago

New to yolo-ing or new to investing? first rule of yolo is never use your rent money. This is wall street bets for a reason.

If you're in a position where you really really need whatever money you can get back out, i'd sell. Likely you'll be at a loss.. AH will maybe net you a better price if you can do that, last i saw it was .48. Otherwise i would expect a decent fall first thing in the AM and a slight bounce back before further decrease.

I do believe MGMT probably has some sort of positive PR to keep this thing from free falling. Thats a hunch tho. If not R/S could happen very soon and the price will go even further down.

Please don't take my advice as real advice. Just my .02. I'm gonna hang on to this and see whats up. Part of the fun of YOLO for me.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 1 point 15 hours ago

I'm new to both lol. I don't need the money for rent or anything, but I would like to minimize my loss here as much as I can. Does that mean selling first thing at 9:30 or maybe hold and see if it goes up a little past my avg .50? Or just hope for some good PR's later in the week. What would you do in my shoes.


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 1 point 14 hours ago

Ok word. You had me worried. Just keep it mind this is supposed to be with the money that isn't for expenses, and after savings, and after real investments, then YOLO. whats your position here?


[–]EpicCorpseMan 1 point 14 hours ago

$500 dollars at .50 I was all aboard the FDA train thinking I'd make some money lol I'm pretty young and I guess greed got the better of me thinking FDA taking it past a dollar, although I don't need the money so to say, I would just rather not lose it. So what is the smartest play here?


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 1 point 14 hours ago

Are you using robinhood? I tend to not like reacting emotionally to a stock. Both ways. I didn't sink extra cash in this today for the same reason I'm going to hold. This isn't terrible news. They didn't get denied by FDA. And ER wasn't bad. Personally I'm gonna hold and pay close attention to what happens over the next few days.

Just because the market is flipping out and selling this shit like hot cakes doesn't mean it won't be back at .50 or above soon. At the point you're able to get your initial investment back out without loosing anything (depending on your broker). I'm not in a rush, I'm cool with making money in q4 or q1-2016 if I have to. I'm also cool with loosing $$ or my entire position. Stay zen about it and informed. Always good to react quickly, but never good to react emotionally. Everyone would tell you not to chase a stock that just shot up significantly. Not sure how selling during a frenzy isn't also chasing.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 2 points 14 hours ago*

Yes I am using Robinhood. And thanks for the words they made me feel better, I think I will just hold on for the next couple of days and see.


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 1 point 13 hours ago

Absolutely homie. Worst case we loose some money. Best case we wait for gainz. Tomorrow will tell us a lot i think.


[–]EpicCorpseMan 1 point 13 hours ago

Do you think their might be any positive news this week?


continue this thread

[–]eswolaniuk 1 point 14 hours ago

Sorry for the n00b question but can someone tell me what R/S means?


[–]Han_Yolo_swag 3 points 14 hours ago

All good. Reverse split. It's the opposite of when a stock splits. So in this case they maybe would do a 10:1 so that every ten stocks becomes 1 stock. This getting them above the needed $1 compliance by Nasdaq. However they may be able get another 180 extension.

Edit: typo


[–]proteinbarskek 1 point 15 hours ago

Sold everything on Friday at 0.77... you know it's not good when the sentiment is 100% bullish.


[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 2 points 15 hours ago

I was sweating balls when it hit .60's, but still didn't sell when it hit .79 today. I'm feeling so dumb it's unreal.


[–]camboramb0 1 point 12 hours ago

Looks like I have to put my lunch money on hold for awhile... back to ordering ramen.


[–]sabatoa 1 point an hour ago

That moment when you go from trader to investor.

I'm not in this one but it's happened to me before.


[–]TyroneBiggums93 2 points 16 hours ago

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Well this is gonna tank.


[–]GreatOthersBrother 3 points 16 hours ago

it already has .50 ah


[–]TyroneBiggums93 1 point 16 hours ago

It's probably gonna go lower and it's definitely getting delisted.


[–]traderguy1172goes ham, if its $KOSHer 2 points 15 hours ago

Easy there big guy don't panic. Wasn't a month ago this did the exact same thing.


[–]gruberexn 2 points 15 hours ago


[–]ghostofgbt 1 point 15 hours ago

I love how everyone had a boner for this 2-3 days ago and was all "oh it's definitely gonna be approved...yolo!" now miraculously all those people were either in at .50 or .55 so they just lost all their gains, or they got out at the top today because they had a "bad feeling"

Oh reddit, you so silly.


[–]authoritahhh81 1 point 15 hours ago

I'm in at 0.58 and not sure what to do. Hold on long term of take a small loss tomorrow?


[–]ghostofgbt 1 point 14 hours ago

The whole reason everyone here was horny for it was they thought it was gonna get fda approval. This news says fda approval pushed put to 2016...fda wants 24 months of clinical data that AMDA doesn't have...so you tell me. Does it make sense to hold? Sure if you wanna wait til 2016 lol


[–]TorinoCobra070 0 points 16 hours ago*

It closed $0.03 up. Just ignore the news and after hours activity and you'll be fine.

Edit : I thought you fellas would be more keen on the sarcasm


[–]ImProbablyNewHere 4 points 16 hours ago

LOL. It's going to open in the .50 range - you can't just ignore that away!


[–]Metacog_Drivelyour losses only whet my appetite 1 point 15 hours ago

LOL, oh boy.


[–]ocnalb 1 point 15 hours ago

LMAO. I've heard a lot of delusional shit in my time trading, but "ignore the news" might just take the cake


[–]EpicCorpseMan 0 points 16 hours ago

Well shit. The dream is dead. I got in at .50 so not a loss but I'm gonna miss all that profit I didn't sell LOL


[–]iChubb 0 points 16 hours ago



[–]mr_wubblesmr spaceyacht[S] 1 point 16 hours ago

About to eat a 40% loss tomorrow morning, fuck my life.


[–]iChubb 2 points 16 hours ago

just take the remaining 60% and dump it into BGMD


[–]franktank17 0 points 16 hours ago

I didn't buy any shares but I was on the ride as to watching this stock and this sub. Sorry to those who suffered :(


[–]Itdoesntmatteronebit 0 points 15 hours ago

Sold way back when at the first pop at .69.

No ragrats.


[–]mrdarkkniightuses photobucket -1 points 14 hours ago

Sold on Friday. Sucks to be you fuckers!!!


[–]NSAsnowdenhunterMoney loser 2 points 13 hours ago

Yes, yes it does.
