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$One Horizon Group, Inc.(OHGI)$

有人用“爱说”VOIP打电话吗?Apple shop里面4G电话宝有1485个评论,“爱说”一个都没有。

公司10-K里面说“Aishuo sought to acquire 15 million new app subscribers for the smartphone app over a two-year period and expects to achieve industry average revenues per user (ARPU) for similar social media apps. By the end of September 30, 2016, we had exceeded our two year target of 15 million and in December 2016 had grown to over 40 million downloads of Aishuo smartphone app.”----这理论上来说肯定是truth。只不过downloads不等于有人使用。

10-K里还说:“In addition to the developments in the rollout of Aishuo smartphone app brand in mainland China, we delivered a data roaming VoIP solution with, Smart Communications, the Philippines' leading wireless service provider with an estimated 55 million prepaid subscribers. For the first time, prepaid subscribers that travel abroad are now able to call home on their operators' data roaming service free from roaming fees (网页链接). The management expect this commercial rollout of an optimized data voice solution for roamers to drive further mobile operator interest in the Company’s products and to drive revenues from its rollout to Filipinos throughout 2017.”

这就是2017 Q1的业绩:

The Company’s revenues were generated in the following geographic areas: (in thousands)

OHGI这种完全看不到未来的公司,为什么Holders还不赶紧逃命去呢?截止Q1 Float不到一半。




2017-07-13 09:19
