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IGAP有可能是medical device company里面比较有前途的一个。其GlucoTrack® glucose monitoring device小巧便捷,不需要取血是关键。现有的glucose monitoring devices要么是贴在皮肤上连续监控的,要么是在手指头上扎洞取血的。我觉得似乎皮肤上一直贴着个东西感觉不怎么爽,尤其是夏天。无论如何,diabete这个市场太大了,容得下很多player,足以让IGAP从中分一杯羹。$德康医疗(DXCM)$ 这样的one trick pony也有6B的market cap。


Anyway, 目前GlucoTrack®已经有CE mark,H2 2017即将开始在U.S.的clinical trial。目前生产等都是就绪的。“We currently utilize a third-party manufacturer in Israel to manufacture the GlucoTrack® model DF-F. In July 2014, we entered into a manufacturing agreement with Wistron Corp. (“Wistron”), a Taiwanese entity and the manufacturing arm of Acer Inc. The production line for the GlucoTrack® model DF-F is now ready and we expect to receive an official clearance from the Taiwanese authorities shortly.”

如果能够得到FDA approval,可能会是个比较好的投资起点。。。持续跟踪后续进展~


2017-07-11 20:32

what is SA?

2017-07-12 04:44

一点不成熟的小建议,您对 glucose monitoring 功课做得还不够;才能得出这个论点和论据