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Fixed Request Notice----我忘了这个名词了~ :-P

Kalani接到Fixed Request Notice就可以开始卖,然后再转股。等于它可以把尚未拿到手的股先行卖掉,但是这个操作不同于short,是可以的。因为它不需要借股。

这也是为什么我觉得会有一个pump的原因..... 原本不需要这么早reverse split的,难道是为了让更多的人可以short么?反正kalani不需要short,DRYS大可以等到接到nasdaq的通知之后再耗上半年再合股。

From time to time over the term of the Purchase Agreement, we may, in our sole discretion, provide the Investor with a Fixed Request Notice to purchase a specified Fixed Amount Requested of shares of our common stock over an eight consecutive trading day Pricing Period commencing on the trading day specified in the applicable Fixed Request Notice, with each fixed request subject to the limitations discussed below. The Maximum Fixed Amount Requested to be purchased pursuant to any single Fixed Request Notice cannot exceed (i) $1.0 million, if the VWAP of shares of our common stock is greater than $0.10 per share on the trading day immediately preceding the applicable date on which we deliver the Fixed Request Notice, or the Fixed Request Exercise Date, and (ii) $100,000, if the VWAP of shares of our common stock is equal to or below $0.10 per share on the trading day immediately preceding the applicable Fixed Request Exercise Date.