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If I say I might create history, you'll probably think I'm manic and insane.

This is a history-creating business plan, with the potential to even not be eclipsed by giants like Face///book and Ama///zon. Just I don't know if I could really get there......

I've pursuaded a partner to join me from technology side, and I need to think over it and re-think over it, and then re-think over it again. I need to discuss it and re-discuss it, and then re-discuss it again. Go over it again and again and again, examine it again and again and agian,to see if there's any loopholes or any potential hurdles...... Again and again and again..... To see if it is just a mirage, an illusion, and might not be technologically achievable.

It might be just an illusion. There might be some huge obstacle there that makes it totally impossible, maybe I just haven't seen it yet.........

Then I'll need to pursuade VCs. Not just ordinary VCs, but the best VCs in the world, because it is not just about funding. I also need support on many aspects. I need help on headhunting to build a first class team, I need audit on technologies to make sure it could fully support my planned future expansion and be forward compatible, I need experts on regulation, on IP, etc.......

It'll be a long way to get funding...... But funding is just the starting point.......

Didn't tell my family. I'll only tell them if I really get funding and start doing it. Their hearts are too weak to bear it.


2018-07-02 20:22


2018-06-12 22:19


2018-06-12 21:52

Wish you success!!

2018-06-12 21:40

silicon valley