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回复@Bear_Prince: 讲得太好了,忘记先看市场预期了[捂脸],又开始惯性思维hhh 感谢分享🙏//@Bear_Prince:回复@Zack_Capital:这个基本上已经price in, 可以看front end ester vs ff or sofr m4 的spread。如果当前both price as 0 cut for ECB and fed 那么我同意你的观点,ECB dovish surprise it’s better hedge dollar short, 目前看的front end price, ECB deliver cut 不会对dollar as basket 有特别大的影响,当然你可以hedge event based on front end the time value是多少。in fact, I think market price too little for Fed to cut in July, 大部分的expectation 是September, 我认为bet for July risk reward 很好,I think short dollar is a good bet for that possibility
2024-05-21 23:10
Duration在过去几天retreat from上周CPI day的高点。在没有过多经济数据出台以及多位Fed talking heads的情况下,过去几天市场缩量selling $美国国债20+年ETF-iShares(TLT)$ 。作者一直在静待合适时间再次买入。而今天Chris Waller的讲话,让作者认为时机差不多了。Chris Waller 和 James Bullard...