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$BioNTech(BNTX)$ 现金和现金等价物:2022年1月6号约64亿欧元,加上辉瑞还欠77亿欧元应付款,现金等价物约141亿欧元(折合152亿美元)。Cash, Cash Deposits and Trade Receivables: As of December 31,
2021, cash and cash equivalents were €1,692.7 million and cash deposits,
which were returned to cash in January and February 2022, were
€375.2 million. In addition, trade receivables remained outstanding as
of December 31, 2021 mainly due to the contractual settlement of the
gross profit share under the COVID-19 collaboration with Pfizer, which
has a temporal offset of more than one calendar quarter. As Pfizer’s
fiscal quarter for subsidiaries outside the United States differs from
BioNTech’s financial reporting cycle, it creates an additional time lag
between the recognition of revenues and the payment receipt. Trade
receivables for example include the gross profit share for the third
quarter of 2021 (as defined by the contract) for which the settlement
payment was received subsequent to the end of the reporting period in
January 2022. Of the total trade receivables of €12,381.7 million which
were outstanding as of December 31, 2021, €4,693.6 million were received
in cash by January 16, 2022.
2022-04-22 08:55
#BNTX# 最新的财报出来,居然一直没有雪球的朋友翻译和分析,我就来抛砖引玉吧,希望能有更多的朋友关注$BioNTech(BNTX)$$辉瑞(PFE)$ 。昨天和今天,我又在162和148的价位上各买了200股,希望将来不要被市场打脸。
1. 2021年四季度和全年收入分别为55亿欧元和190亿欧元,全年净...