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欧盟居然一共向$BioNTech(BNTX)$ 订购了23亿剂疫苗(2023年底前的订购量)。n December 2021, BioNTech and Pfizer announced an agreement with the
European Commission (EC) and its member states, pursuant to which the EC
exercised its option to purchase more than 200 million additional doses
of vaccine. The 200 million doses are in addition to the 450 million
doses already planned to be delivered in 2022, based on an agreement
signed in May 2021. The number of doses to be delivered to EC member
states in 2022 will now total more than 650 million doses. In sum, the
total number of potential doses delivered to the EC, inclusive of all
agreements, is expected to be up to 2.4 billion by end of 2023.
2022-04-22 08:55
#BNTX# 最新的财报出来,居然一直没有雪球的朋友翻译和分析,我就来抛砖引玉吧,希望能有更多的朋友关注$BioNTech(BNTX)$$辉瑞(PFE)$ 。昨天和今天,我又在162和148的价位上各买了200股,希望将来不要被市场打脸。
1. 2021年四季度和全年收入分别为55亿欧元和190亿欧元,全年净...


2022-04-22 11:40
