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附件2Ordered on 6/30/22. Received tests that expired on 6/27/22. No returns policy from IHealth. Buyer beware! Very disappointed!

附件:2022年7月3日 在美国审核
I never imagined COVID would still be a concern over 2 years after the pandemic began. We masked per regulations and were vaccinated, but still ended up getting COVID in June 2022. It can be difficult to tell whether sniffles, cough and sore throat are a cold, allergies, COVID or something else. These iHealth tests, while not 100% accurate, can determine if it is COVID. My husband and I are high risk, plus I’m occasionally around my elderly father, so it is important to us that we know. We used this brand every time we tested at home (first free kits from the government, then purchased). The box contains 2 tests, so it’s about $8.50/test, which is quite reasonable. It’s important you follow the step-by-step instructions; you will have your results 15 minutes later. It was this test that showed my husband was COVID positive, with my son and I being tested thereafter at an urgent care. A professional PCR test is more accurate, but these tests are good for home use. Note that the tests are good for 3 months after their stamped expiration date.
2022-07-04 18:20
$九安医疗(SZ002432)$ 分析:九安的纸包不住火,利润体现在第三季
附件:猴痘或在美国失控 专家批评白宫反应过于缓慢
