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经济学家没有讨论过货币间的竞争问题一个令人惊诧的事实是:多种货币竞争的理论迄今为止从来没有得到过认真的研究。①对于政府垄断货币供应为什么被普遍视为不可或缺的,或者,这种信念是否源于下面一种根本未有人予以解释过的假定:在任一特定的地域范围内,只能有一种货币流通——在唯有金银被认真地当成货币的时候,它确乎具有某种明确的便利性——对于这些问题,现有的文献中没有任何答案。而对于这种垄断如果被废除、货币敞开由私人机构供应、也即供应不同的货币时,会出现什么样的情形,对此,我们也无法找到一个现成的答案。大多数人似乎都以为,任何允许私人机构发行货币的建议,意思就是指,这些私人机构将发行与他人相同的货币(在符号货币[token money]时代,这肯定会被视为伪造货币的行为),而不是指其将发行不同种类的货币,它将拥有不同的名称单位,从而使公众可以随意地作出选择。

The surprising fact that economists have not discussed the issue of competition among currencies is that the theory of multiple currency competition has never been seriously examined. The question of why a government monopoly on the money supply is generally regarded as indispensable, or whether this belief stems from the simply unexplained assumption that there can be only one currency in circulation in any given geographical area - and that gold and silver, when they are the only ones seriously treated as money, do have some definite There are no answers to these questions in the existing literature. Nor can we find a ready answer to the question of what would have happened if this monopoly had been abolished and money had been left open to private institutions, i.e., to a different kind of money. Most people seem to assume that any proposal to allow private institutions to issue money means that these private institutions will issue the same money as others (which would certainly be considered counterfeiting in the era of symbolic money), not that they will issue different kinds of money, which will have different name units, so that the public can choose at will.


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