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The problem that such a reform might raise is that it is currently only a theoretical proposal, not a policy one, because it is clear that such a more radical reform proposal would be too bizarre and unfamiliar to the general public to consider implementing it at this time. The problems it raises are also apparently not well understood by experts, and no one can make reliable predictions about the precise outcome of such a program. But it is clear that the present unchallenged and universally accepted government monopoly on the supply of money is likely to be neither necessary nor even advantageous. Indeed, it is likely to prove harmful in practice, while its abolition would have enormous benefits, which would open the way to more beneficial developments. Thus, the discussion should not be raised too full at the beginning. As long as the public is unprepared for it and remains unthinking in its acceptance of the dogma that the government must have a monopoly on currency issuance, our proposal has no chance of being realized; nevertheless, this will no longer be an obstacle to the intellectual exploration of the fascinating theoretical issues raised by this program. 


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