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A more realistic proposal than a utopian European currency

I believe that this proposal is more desirable and feasible than the utopian proposal to create a new European currency, which would only end up making the cause and root cause of all monetary disasters - the government monopoly on the issuance and control of money - more persistent. The end result is that the cause and root of all monetary catastrophes - government monopoly of money issuance and control - will become more entrenched. If these countries are indeed not prepared to adopt the more limited proposals presented above, it is logically more difficult for them to accept a common European currency. The idea of completely stripping governments of their monetary monopoly is indeed a bit too abrupt, and most people would even be a bit alarmed if it were to be adopted in the near future. However, as long as the currencies issued by national governments are allowed to compete to please the public from the beginning, the advantages of such a scheme will gradually be understood.


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