发布于: 雪球转发:0回复:12喜欢:0
$畅游(CYOU)$ Agreement with significant price raise probably is on the way...


2017-07-27 03:51

Waw, over $42.10 now as we talk, we affect or some inside move...but a big block trade to buy at $42.

2017-07-27 03:35

Add a bit, look at options, those traders expect a $4 raise in coming months. Oct 42 call 2.30, Jan call 44 2.40. Buy the shares and selling out of money options is a good strategy or you can straight buy or short depending on you positions and believes...

2017-07-27 03:12

This board is very quite for some time, good luck to follow, $42 now..

2017-07-27 02:39


2017-07-27 02:25
