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See how serious and complicated CFIUS will screen this deal.......

(C) receipt by Investor and OmniVision of written notice ("CFIUS Approval") from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ("CFIUS") stating that: (i) CFIUS has concluded that the transaction is not a "covered transaction" and not subject to review under applicable law; (ii) the review of the transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement under Section 721 of the U.S. Defense Production Act of 1950 has been concluded, and there are no unresolved national security concerns with respect to the transaction contemplated by the Merger Agreement; or (iii) CFIUS has sent a report to the President of the United States requesting the President's decision on the CFIUS notice submitted by Investor and OmniVision and either (x) the period under the Defense Production Act of 1950 during which the President may announce his decision to take action to suspend, prohibit or place any limitations on the transactions contemplated hereby has expired without any such action being threatened, announced or taken or (y) the President has announced a decision not to take any action to suspend, prohibit or place any limitations on the transactions contemplated hereby; provided that no requirements or conditions to mitigate any national security concerns shall have been imposed, other than such requirements or conditions that Investor, Acquisition Sub or OmniVision are obligated to accept pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement.


2015-06-03 13:47
