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[大行评级]花旗:上调融创(01918.HK)目标价至48.08港元 维持“买入”



2018-04-03 15:25

■ FY17 core earnings came in at Rmb2.9bn, beating our estimate. We disagree with
management's claimed core profit of Rmb11bn, which included a huge one-off gain.
■ We think its 24% sales growth target of Rmb450bn for FY18 should be achievable.
■ Sunac's net gearing of 257% in FY17 was the highest among its peers; it will be more
vulnerable to rising interest rate ahead.
■ Made a total provision of Rmb16bn for its less-than-a-year investment in Leshi.
■ We reiterate our Reduce rating, with a higher TP of HK$22.4. It trades at expensive
valuation of 8% premium to NAV and 12x CY18F P/E.