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原文:All that makes for a rather expensive game of musical chairs. Can you imagine the agonized cry that would arise if a governmental unit were to impose a new 16⅔% tax on earnings of corporations or investors? By market activity, investors can impose upon themselves the equivalent of such a tax.

(We are aware of the pie-expanding argument that says that such activities improve the rationality of the capital allocation process. We think that this argument is specious and that, on balance, hyperactive equity markets subvert rational capital allocation and act as pie shrinkers. Adam Smith felt that all noncollusive acts in a free market were guided by an invisible hand that led an economy to maximum progress; our view is that casino-type markets and hair-trigger investment management act as an invisible foot that trips up and slows down a forward-moving economy.)(1983)

释义:1.“musical chairs”意为“抢座位游戏”,其规则是,音乐一停,大家就要各自抢占座位坐下,座位比参加人数要少。巴菲特以此来比喻人员的频繁流动和更迭;




5.“specious”意为“似是而非的”;“on balance”意为“总的来说”;“subvert”意为“颠覆”;“shrinkers”意为“收缩机”;


7.“hair-trigger”意为“一触即发的”;“trips up”意为“绊倒”。







王冠亚05-23 23:42


Xue_W05-23 09:19


王冠亚05-24 08:52

sixteen and two third

冬梅fa05-23 09:19


北京李淑娟05-23 11:30




05-23 12:06


05-25 09:54


05-23 11:03


05-23 10:18


05-23 11:27


05-23 11:12

Day 349

05-23 23:05

1. All that makes for a rather expensive game of musical chairs.
- 翻译:所有这些构成了一场相当昂贵的“抢椅子”游戏。
- 详解:
- "All that makes for": 所有这些构成。
- "a rather expensive game": 一场相当昂贵的游戏。
- "of musical chairs": “抢椅子”游戏(指频繁的买卖行为)。
- 重点单词:expensive(昂贵的),musical chairs(抢椅子游戏)
2. Can you imagine the agonized cry that would arise if a governmental unit were to impose a new 16⅔% tax on earnings of corporations or investors?
- 翻译:你能想象如果政府部门对企业或投资者的收益征收16⅔%的新税会引起多大的痛苦呼声吗?
- 详解:
- "Can you imagine": 你能想象。
- "the agonized cry that would arise": 会引起的痛苦呼声。
- "if a governmental unit were to impose a new 16⅔% tax": 如果政府部门征收16⅔%的新税。
- "on earnings of corporations or investors": 对企业或投资者的收益。
- 重点单词:agonized(痛苦的),impose(征收)
3. By market activity, investors can impose upon themselves the equivalent of such a tax.
- 翻译:通过市场活动,投资者可以对自己施加相当于这样的税。
- 详解:
- "By market activity": 通过市场活动。
- "investors can impose upon themselves": 投资者可以对自己施加。
- "the equivalent of such a tax": 相当于这样的税。
- 重点单词:market activity(市场活动),equivalent(相当于)
4. (We are aware of the pie-expanding argument that says that such activities improve the rationality of the capital allocation process.
- 翻译:(我们知道有一种扩大“蛋糕”的论点认为,这些活动改善了资本分配过程的合理性。
- 详解:
- "(We are aware of the pie-expanding argument that says that": (我们知道有一种扩大“蛋糕”的论点认为)。
- "such activities improve the rationality": 这些活动改善了合理性。
- "of the capital allocation process": 资本分配过程的。
- 重点单词:pie-expanding(扩大“蛋糕”),rationality(合理性)
5. We think that this argument is specious and that, on balance, hyperactive equity markets subvert rational capital allocation and act as pie shrinkers.
- 翻译:我们认为这种论点是似是而非的,总体来看,过度活跃的股市颠覆了合理的资本分配,实际上是缩小了“蛋糕”。
- 详解:
- "We think that this argument is specious": 我们认为这种论点是似是而非的。
- "and that, on balance": 总体来看。
- "hyperactive equity markets subvert rational capital allocation": 过度活跃的股市颠覆了合理的资本分配。
- "and act as pie shrinkers": 实际上是缩小了“蛋糕”。
- 重点单词:specious(似是而非的),subvert(颠覆),shrinkers(缩小者)
6. Adam Smith felt that all noncollusive acts in a free market were guided by an invisible hand that led an economy to maximum progress;
- 翻译:亚当·斯密认为,自由市场中的所有非勾结行为都受一只看不见的手的引导,使经济达到最大进步;
- 详解:
- "Adam Smith felt that": 亚当·斯密认为。
- "all noncollusive acts in a free market": 自由市场中的所有非勾结行为。
- "were guided by an invisible hand": 受一只看不见的手的引导。
- "that led an economy to maximum progress": 使经济达到最大进步。
- 重点单词:noncollusive(非勾结的),invisible hand(看不见的手),maximum(最大)
7. our view is that casino-type markets and hair-trigger investment management act as an invisible foot that trips up and slows down a forward-moving economy.
- 翻译:我们认为,赌场式的市场和瞬间反应的投资管理就像一只看不见的脚,会绊倒并减缓前进的经济。
- 详解:
- "our view is that": 我们认为。
- "casino-type markets and hair-trigger investment management": 赌场式的市场和瞬间反应的投资管理。
- "act as an invisible foot": 就像一只看不见的脚。
- "that trips up and slows down a forward-moving economy": 会绊倒并减缓前进的经济。
- 重点单词:casino-type(赌场式的),hair-trigger(瞬间反应的),trip up(绊倒),forward-moving(前进的)

05-23 13:54

原来 16.67% 英文里是这么表示的,学习了。💪

05-23 09:52