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原文:For example, consider a typical company earning, say, 12% on equity. Assume a very high turnover rate in its shares of 100% per year. If a purchase and sale of the stock each extract commissions of 1% (the rate may be much higher on low-priced stocks) and if the stock trades at book value, the owners of our hypothetical company will pay, in aggregate, 2% of the company’s net worth annually for the privilege of transferring ownership. This activity does nothing for the earnings of the business, and means that 1/6 of them are lost to the owners through the “frictional” cost of transfer. (And this calculation does not count option trading, which would increase frictional costs still further.)(1983)








05-22 10:05


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05-22 23:57

1. For example, consider a typical company earning, say, 12% on equity.
- 翻译:例如,假设一个典型的公司股本回报率为12%。
- 详解:
- "For example": 例如。
- "consider a typical company": 假设一个典型的公司。
- "earning, say, 12% on equity": 股本回报率为12%。
- 重点单词:typical(典型的),equity(股本)
2. Assume a very high turnover rate in its shares of 100% per year.
- 翻译:假设其股票的年换手率非常高,达到100%。
- 详解:
- "Assume": 假设。
- "a very high turnover rate in its shares": 其股票的换手率非常高。
- "of 100% per year": 每年达到100%。
- 重点单词:turnover rate(换手率)
3. If a purchase and sale of the stock each extract commissions of 1% (the rate may be much higher on low-priced stocks) and if the stock trades at book value,
- 翻译:如果每次买卖股票都要提取1%的佣金(低价股的佣金率可能更高),而且股票按账面价值交易,
- 详解:
- "If a purchase and sale of the stock": 如果买卖股票。
- "each extract commissions of 1%": 每次提取1%的佣金。
- "(the rate may be much higher on low-priced stocks)": (低价股的佣金率可能更高)。
- "and if the stock trades at book value": 而且股票按账面价值交易。
- 重点单词:purchase(买入),sale(卖出),extract(提取),commissions(佣金),book value(账面价值)
4. The owners of our hypothetical company will pay, in aggregate, 2% of the company’s net worth annually for the privilege of transferring ownership.
- 翻译:我们假设的公司所有者每年将为所有权转让支付相当于公司净值2%的总费用。
- 详解:
- "The owners of our hypothetical company": 我们假设的公司所有者。
- "will pay, in aggregate": 将支付总计。
- "2% of the company’s net worth annually": 每年相当于公司净值2%的费用。
- "for the privilege of transferring ownership": 为所有权转让的特权。
- 重点单词:owners(所有者),hypothetical(假设的),net worth(净值),annually(每年),privilege(特权)
5. This activity does nothing for the earnings of the business, and means that 1/6 of them are lost to the owners through the “frictional” cost of transfer.
- 翻译:这种活动对公司的收益没有任何帮助,这意味着1/6的收益因转让的“摩擦”成本而损失。
- 详解:
- "This activity does nothing for the earnings of the business": 这种活动对公司的收益没有任何帮助。
- "and means that 1/6 of them are lost to the owners": 这意味着1/6的收益对所有者来说是损失的。
- "through the 'frictional' cost of transfer": 因转让的“摩擦”成本而损失。
- 重点单词:activity(活动),earnings(收益),lost(损失),frictional cost(摩擦成本)
6. (And this calculation does not count option trading, which would increase frictional costs still further.)
- 翻译:(而且这个计算还不包括期权交易,期权交易会进一步增加摩擦成本。)
- 详解:
- "(And this calculation does not count option trading)": (而且这个计算还不包括期权交易)。
- "which would increase frictional costs still further": 期权交易会进一步增加摩擦成本。
- 重点单词:calculation(计算),count(包括),option trading(期权交易),increase(增加),still further(进一步)


05-22 11:49

Day2巴菲特对于长期经营的解释,以及在年报和季报上的具体处置。抓住主要矛盾,把精力放在关键问题上。 DAY348所涉及的交易损耗问题,正好是这种次要矛盾,如果过于关注所可能带来的困扰之一。

05-22 09:53
