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原文:Were we to split the stock or take other actions focusing on stock price rather than business value, we would attract an entering class of buyers inferior to the exiting class of sellers. Would a potential one-share purchaser be better off if we split 100 for 1 so he could buy 100 shares? Those who think so and who would buy the stock because of the split or in anticipation of one would definitely downgrade the quality of our present shareholder group. (Could we really improve our shareholder group by trading some of our present clear-thinking members for impressionable new ones who, preferring paper to value, feel wealthier with nine $10 bills than with one $100 bill?) People who buy for non-value reasons are likely to sell for non-value reasons. Their presence in the picture will accentuate erratic price swings unrelated to underlying business developments.(1983)

释义:1.“inferior to”意为“比不上……”;










布马丷05-20 09:43


静水wdh05-20 11:20

9张10美元的钞票比同 1 张100美元的钞票更富有吗?

Xue_W05-20 09:57


668专注搞钱05-20 11:07

1. Were we to split the stock or take other actions focusing on stock price rather than business value, we would attract an entering class of buyers inferior to the exiting class of sellers.
- 翻译:如果我们进行股票拆分或采取其他以股票价格而非商业价值为重点的行动,我们将吸引到一批不如现有卖家的新买家。
- 详解:
- "Were we to split the stock or take other actions": 如果我们进行股票拆分或采取其他行动。
- "focusing on stock price rather than business value": 以股票价格而非商业价值为重点。强调了目标的不同。
- "we would attract an entering class of buyers inferior to the exiting class of sellers": 我们将吸引到一批不如现有卖家的新买家。说明了潜在结果。
- 重点单词:split(拆分),actions(行动),focusing on(以……为重点),inferior(不如)
2. Would a potential one-share purchaser be better off if we split 100 for 1 so he could buy 100 shares?
- 翻译:如果我们进行100拆1的拆分,使一个潜在的单股购买者能买到100股,他会更好吗?
- 详解:
- "Would a potential one-share purchaser be better off": 一个潜在的单股购买者会更好吗?
- "if we split 100 for 1": 如果我们进行100拆1的拆分。
- "so he could buy 100 shares": 这样他就能买到100股。具体说明拆分的效果。
- 重点单词:potential(潜在的),purchaser(购买者),better off(更好)
3. Those who think so and who would buy the stock because of the split or in anticipation of one would definitely downgrade the quality of our present shareholder group.
- 翻译:那些认为如此并会因为拆分或预期拆分而购买股票的人,肯定会降低我们当前股东群体的质量。
- 详解:
- "Those who think so": 那些认为如此的人。
- "and who would buy the stock because of the split or in anticipation of one": 并会因为拆分或预期拆分而购买股票的人。
- "would definitely downgrade the quality of our present shareholder group": 肯定会降低我们当前股东群体的质量。强调负面影响。
- 重点单词:downgrade(降低),quality(质量),present(当前的),shareholder group(股东群体)
4. (Could we really improve our shareholder group by trading some of our present clear-thinking members for impressionable new ones who, preferring paper to value, feel wealthier with nine $10 bills than with one $100 bill?)
- 翻译:(我们真的能通过用一些当前清醒的成员换取那些更容易受影响的新成员来改善我们的股东群体吗?这些新成员更喜欢纸而非价值,觉得拥有九张10美元的钞票比一张100美元的钞票更富有?)
- 详解:
- "Could we really improve our shareholder group": 我们真的能改善我们的股东群体吗?
- "by trading some of our present clear-thinking members": 通过用一些当前清醒的成员换取。
- "for impressionable new ones": 那些更容易受影响的新成员。
- "who, preferring paper to value, feel wealthier with nine $10 bills than with one $100 bill": 这些新成员更喜欢纸而非价值,觉得拥有九张10美元的钞票比一张100美元的钞票更富有。说明了新成员的特点。
- 重点单词:improve(改善),clear-thinking(清醒的),impressionable(容易受影响的),preferring(更喜欢),feel wealthier(觉得更富有)
5. People who buy for non-value reasons are likely to sell for non-value reasons.
- 翻译:那些因非价值原因买入的人也可能因非价值原因卖出。
- 详解:
- "People who buy for non-value reasons": 因非价值原因买入的人。
- "are likely to sell for non-value reasons": 可能因非价值原因卖出。强调了不稳定性。
- 重点单词:non-value reasons(非价值原因)
6. Their presence in the picture will accentuate erratic price swings unrelated to underlying business developments.
- 翻译:他们的存在将加剧与基本业务发展无关的不稳定价格波动。
- 详解:
- "Their presence in the picture": 他们的存在。
- "will accentuate erratic price swings": 将加剧不稳定价格波动。
- "unrelated to underlying business developments": 与基本业务发展无关。强调波动的随机性。
- 重点单词:accentuate(加剧),erratic(不稳定的),price swings(价格波动),unrelated(无关的),underlying business developments(基本业务发展)

小娜tc805-20 11:52



05-20 12:09


05-20 09:15


05-20 20:34


05-20 17:23

05-21 07:00

让我想到了 A 股的高送转,经常抄填权行情,吸引的都是低质的股东

05-20 20:36


05-20 20:31


05-20 20:29


05-20 12:07


05-20 11:36

打卡。大师兄说的对,昨天没看到这段,这段里有对应的downgrade quality。