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原文:Investors possessing those characteristics are in a small minority, but we have an exceptional collection of them. I believe well over 90%—probably over 95%—of our shares are held by those who were shareholders of Berkshire five years ago. And I would guess that over 95% of our shares are held by investors for whom the holding is at least double the size of their next largest. Among companies with at least several thousand public shareholders and more than $1 billion of market value, we are almost certainly the leader in the degree to which our shareholders think and act like owners. Upgrading a shareholder group that possesses these characteristics is not easy.(1983)








05-19 10:07


05-19 09:39


05-19 13:15

05-19 11:43


05-19 09:25

巴神的夸赞无处不在 今天又把所有股东垮了一遍。

05-19 10:34


05-19 11:06


05-19 23:55

1. Investors possessing those characteristics are in a small minority, but we have an exceptional collection of them.
- 翻译:具备这些特质的投资者是少数,但我们拥有一批特别优秀的此类投资者。
- 详解:
- "Investors possessing those characteristics": 具备这些特质的投资者。指出了前文提到的投资者特质。
- "are in a small minority": 是少数。说明这些投资者数量少。
- "but we have an exceptional collection of them": 但我们拥有一批特别优秀的此类投资者。表明了他们的自豪感。
- 重点单词:possessing(具备),characteristics(特质),minority(少数),exceptional(特别优秀的)
2. I believe well over 90%—probably over 95%—of our shares are held by those who were shareholders of Berkshire five years ago.
- 翻译:我相信我们超过90%——可能超过95%——的股份是由五年前的伯克希尔股东持有的。
- 详解:
- "I believe well over 90%": 我相信超过90%。表达了信心。
- "probably over 95%": 可能超过95%。进一步强调。
- "of our shares are held by those who were shareholders of Berkshire five years ago": 我们的股份是由五年前的伯克希尔股东持有的。说明了股东的长期持有情况。
- 重点单词:shares(股份),shareholders(股东),held(持有)
3. And I would guess that over 95% of our shares are held by investors for whom the holding is at least double the size of their next largest.
- 翻译:我猜测我们超过95%的股份是由那些持有量至少是他们下一个最大持股的两倍的投资者持有的。
- 详解:
- "And I would guess": 我猜测。
- "that over 95% of our shares": 超过95%的股份。
- "are held by investors for whom the holding is at least double the size of their next largest": 是由那些持有量至少是他们下一个最大持股的两倍的投资者持有的。说明了投资者集中投资的特点。
- 重点单词:guess(猜测),investors(投资者),holding(持有量),double(两倍),next largest(下一个最大持股)
4. Among companies with at least several thousand public shareholders and more than $1 billion of market value, we are almost certainly the leader in the degree to which our shareholders think and act like owners.
- 翻译:在至少有几千名公众股东和超过10亿美元市值的公司中,我们几乎肯定是股东在思维和行为上最像所有者的领导者。
- 详解:
- "Among companies with at least several thousand public shareholders": 在至少有几千名公众股东的公司中。
- "and more than $1 billion of market value": 以及市值超过10亿美元的公司。
- "we are almost certainly the leader": 我们几乎肯定是领导者。
- "in the degree to which our shareholders think and act like owners": 在股东在思维和行为上最像所有者的程度上。
- 重点单词:public shareholders(公众股东),market value(市值),leader(领导者),think and act(思维和行为),owners(所有者)
5. Upgrading a shareholder group that possesses these characteristics is not easy.
- 翻译:提升具备这些特质的股东群体并不容易。
- 详解:
- "Upgrading a shareholder group": 提升股东群体。
- "that possesses these characteristics": 具备这些特质的。指前文提到的特质。
- "is not easy": 并不容易。说明了挑战。
- 重点单词:upgrading(提升),shareholder group(股东群体),possesses(具备),characteristics(特质),not easy(不容易)

05-19 21:01


05-19 12:50
