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原文:consistently rational prices are produced by rational owners,both current and prospective. All of our policies and communications are designed to attract the business-oriented long-term owner and to filter out possible buyers whose focus is short-term and market-oriented. To date we have been successful in this attempt,and Berkshire shares have consistently sold in an unusually narrow range around intrinsic business value. We do not believe that a NYSE listing will improve or diminish Berkshire’s prospects for consistently selling at an appropriate price;the quality of our shareholders will produce a good result whatever the marketplace.(1988)


2.“filter out”意为“滤除”。






05-08 17:25


05-07 16:11


05-07 10:34


05-07 01:24

1. consistently rational prices are produced by rational owners,both current and prospective.
- 翻译:稳健的理性价格是由理性的现有和潜在的所有者产生的。
- 详解:
- "consistently rational prices": 稳健的理性价格。
- "are produced by": 由......产生。
- "rational owners,both current and prospective": 理性的现有和潜在的所有者。
- 重点单词:rational(理性的)、prospective(潜在的)
2. All of our policies and communications are designed to attract the business-oriented long-term owner and to filter out possible buyers whose focus is short-term and market-oriented.
- 翻译:我们所有的政策和沟通都旨在吸引以业务为导向的长期所有者,并筛选出其重点是短期和市场导向的潜在买家。
- 详解:
- "All of our policies and communications": 我们所有的政策和沟通。
- "are designed to": 旨在......。
- "attract the business-oriented long-term owner": 吸引以业务为导向的长期所有者。
- "and to filter out possible buyers": 并筛选出可能的买家。
- "whose focus is short-term and market-oriented": 其重点是短期和市场导向的。
- 重点单词:filter out(筛选出)、market-oriented(市场导向的)
3. To date we have been successful in this attempt,and Berkshire shares have consistently sold in an unusually narrow range around intrinsic business value.
- 翻译:到目前为止,我们在这方面已经取得了成功,伯克希尔的股票一直以非常狭窄的范围围绕着内在的商业价值进行交易。
- 详解:
- "To date": 到目前为止。
- "we have been successful in this attempt": 我们在这方面已经取得了成功。
- "Berkshire shares have consistently sold": 伯克希尔的股票一直以......进行交易。
- "in an unusually narrow range around intrinsic business value": 以非常狭窄的范围围绕着内在的商业价值。
- 重点单词:intrinsic(内在的)、narrow range(狭窄范围)
4. We do not believe that a NYSE listing will improve or diminish Berkshire’s prospects for consistently selling at an appropriate price;the quality of our shareholders will produce a good result whatever the marketplace.
- 翻译:我们不认为在纽约证券交易所上市会改善或削弱伯克希尔股票以适当价格一直销售的前景;我们的股东质量将产生良好的结果,无论市场如何。
- 详解:
- "We do not believe that": 我们不认为。
- "a NYSE listing will improve or diminish Berkshire’s prospects": 在纽约证券交易所上市会改善或削弱伯克希尔的前景。
- "for consistently selling at an appropriate price": 以适当价格一直销售。
- "the quality of our shareholders will produce a good result": 我们的股东质量将产生良好的结果。
- 重点单词:diminish(削弱)、prospects(前景)

05-06 20:38


物以类聚 人以群分!

05-06 10:19


05-06 09:51


05-05 22:40

331 理性
