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巴神原文:The new-issue market, on the other hand, is ruled by controlling stockholders and corporations, who can usually select the timing of offerings or, if the market looks unfavorable, can avoid an offering altogether. Understandably, these sellers are not going to offer any bargains, either by way of a public offering or in a negotiated transaction: It’s rare you’ll find x for1/2x here. Indeed, in the case of common-stock offerings, selling shareholders are often motivated to unload only when they feel the market is overpaying. (These sellers, of course, would state that proposition somewhat differently, averring instead that they simply resist selling when the market is underpaying for their goods.)









一块石头的心电图02-28 10:03

一级市场都是人精,二级市场的Mass Folly才是我们偶尔获得超额收益的机会!其余时候还是要回到收取所投企业运营收益的正道。

小娜tc802-28 09:55


杨剑军02-28 12:41

买的永远没有卖的精,当前中国股市不仅面临发行价格过高的问题,而且炒新之风盛行,很多新股上市当天价格可能就是最高价格。我认为,根本还在于新股发行市场化、法治化任重道远,倘若真能完全市场操作,同时严查违规行为,发行价自会逐步回归合理水平。$腾讯控股(00700)$ $洋河股份(SZ002304)$

linda2fv02-28 10:58


漫叶雨02-28 10:29


02-28 09:12


02-28 13:04


02-29 01:06

1. **The new-issue market, on the other hand, is ruled by controlling stockholders and corporations, who can usually select the timing of offerings or, if the market looks unfavorable, can avoid an offering altogether.**
- **翻译:** 另一方面,新发行市场由控股股东和公司统治,他们通常可以选择发行的时间,或者如果市场看起来不利,甚至可以完全避免发行。
- **详解:**
- "The new-issue market" 表示新发行市场。
- "is ruled by controlling stockholders and corporations" 意味着由控股股东和公司统治。
- "who can usually select the timing of offerings or, if the market looks unfavorable, can avoid an offering altogether" 表示他们通常可以选择发行的时间,或者如果市场看起来不利,甚至可以完全避免发行。
- **重点单词:** new-issue market(新发行市场)、ruled by(由...统治)、controlling stockholders(控股股东)、corporations(公司)、select(选择)、timing(时间)、offerings(发行)、market looks unfavorable(市场看起来不利)、avoid(避免)、altogether(完全)
2. **Understandably, these sellers are not going to offer any bargains, either by way of a public offering or in a negotiated transaction: It’s rare you’ll find x for 1/2x here.**
- **翻译:** 可理解的是,这些卖方不会通过公开发行或协商交易提供任何优惠:在这里很难找到x的1/2x。
- **详解:**
- "Understandably" 表示可理解的是。
- "these sellers are not going to offer any bargains" 意味着这些卖方不会提供任何优惠。
- "either by way of a public offering or in a negotiated transaction" 表示无论是通过公开发行还是协商交易。
- "It’s rare you’ll find x for 1/2x here" 意味着在这里很难找到x的1/2x。
- **重点单词:** understandably(可理解的是)、sellers(卖方)、offer(提供)、bargains(优惠)、by way of(通过)、public offering(公开发行)、negotiated transaction(协商交易)、rare(罕见的)
3. **Indeed, in the case of common-stock offerings, selling shareholders are often motivated to unload only when they feel the market is overpaying. (These sellers, of course, would state that proposition somewhat differently, averring instead that they simply resist selling when the market is underpaying for their goods.)**
- **翻译:** 的确,在普通股发行的情况下,卖方股东通常只有在觉得市场支付过多时才会有动机抛售。 (当然,这些卖方可能会以稍有不同的方式陈述这一命题,宣称他们只是在市场对其商品支付过低时抵制出售。)
- **详解:**
- "Indeed" 表示的确。
- "in the case of common-stock offerings, selling shareholders are often motivated to unload only when they feel the market is overpaying" 意味着在普通股发行的情况下,卖方股东通常只有在觉得市场支付过多时才会有动机抛售。
- "(These sellers, of course, would state that proposition somewhat differently, averring instead that they simply resist selling when the market is underpaying for their goods)" 表示(当然,这些卖方可能会以稍有不同的方式陈述这一命题,宣称他们只是在市场对其商品支付过低时抵制出售)。
- **重点单词:** indeed(的确)、common-stock offerings(普通股发行)、selling shareholders(卖方股东)、motivated to unload(有动机抛售)、feel(感觉)、market is overpaying(市场支付过多)、proposition(命题)、somewhat differently(稍有不同)、averring(宣称)、simply resist(只是抵制)、underpaying(支付过低)

02-28 10:47


02-28 18:57


02-28 14:06


02-28 09:00

02-28 09:39


05-27 22:23


02-28 12:28
