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巴神原文:Similarly, business growth, per se, tells us little about value. It’s true that growth often has a positive impact on value, sometimes one of spectacular proportions. But such an effect is far from certain. For example, investors have regularly poured money into the domestic airline business to finance profitless (or worse) growth. For these investors, it would have been far better if Orville had failed to get off the ground at Kitty Hawk: The more the industry has grown, the worse the disaster for owners.

Growth benefits investors only when the business in point can invest at incremental returns that are enticing—in other words, only when each dollar used to finance the growth creates over a dollar of long-term market value. In the case of a low-return business requiring incremental funds, growth hurts the investor.

英文释义:1.“per se”意为“本身”;



4.“in point”意为“相关的”;“enticing”意为“诱人的”。






北京李淑娟02-22 13:06


弹着吉他的少年02-22 14:04


Xue_W02-22 13:53


UIMAX张艳军02-22 12:29


德信博辩02-22 10:19


02-22 09:52


02-22 11:43


02-22 15:12


02-22 09:54


02-23 03:25

1. **Similarly, business growth, per se, tells us little about value.**
- **翻译:** 同样,单纯的业务增长对价值的认识有限。
- **详解:**
- "Similarly" 表示同样。
- "business growth, per se" 意味着单纯的业务增长。
- "tells us little about value" 意味着对价值的认识有限。
- **重点单词:** similarly(同样)、business growth(业务增长)、per se(本身)、tells(告诉)、little(有限的)、value(价值)
2. **It’s true that growth often has a positive impact on value, sometimes one of spectacular proportions.**
- **翻译:** 的确,增长通常对价值产生积极影响,有时甚至是惊人比例的积极影响。
- **详解:**
- "It’s true that" 意味着的确。
- "growth often has a positive impact on value" 表示增长通常对价值产生积极影响。
- "sometimes one of spectacular proportions" 意味着有时甚至是惊人比例的积极影响。
- **重点单词:** true(的确)、growth(增长)、positive(积极的)、impact(影响)、value(价值)、spectacular(惊人的)、proportions(比例)
3. **But such an effect is far from certain.**
- **翻译:** 但这种影响远非确定的。
- **详解:**
- "But" 表示但是。
- "such an effect" 指的是增长对价值的积极影响。
- "is far from certain" 意味着远非确定的。
- **重点单词:** effect(影响)、far from(远非)、certain(确定的)
4. **For example, investors have regularly poured money into the domestic airline business to finance profitless (or worse) growth.**
- **翻译:** 例如,投资者经常向国内航空业注资,以资助无利可图(或更糟)的增长。
- **详解:**
- "For example" 表示例如。
- "investors have regularly poured money into the domestic airline business" 意味着投资者经常向国内航空业注资。
- "to finance profitless (or worse) growth" 表示资助无利可图(或更糟)的增长。
- **重点单词:** example(例如)、investors(投资者)、regularly(经常)、poured money(注资)、domestic airline business(国内航空业)、finance(资助)、profitless(无利可图的)、worse(更糟)
5. **For these investors, it would have been far better if Orville had failed to get off the ground at Kitty Hawk: The more the industry has grown, the worse the disaster for owners.**
- **翻译:** 对于这些投资者来说,如果奥维尔在基蒂霍克没有成功起飞,那就更好了:行业增长得越多,对所有者的灾难就越严重。
- **详解:**
- "For these investors" 表示对于这些投资者来说。
- "it would have been far better" 意味着将会更好。
- "if Orville had failed to get off the ground at Kitty Hawk" 表示如果奥维尔在基蒂霍克没有成功起飞。
- "The more the industry has grown, the worse the disaster for owners" 意味着行业增长得越多,对所有者的灾难就越严重。
- **重点单词:** investors(投资者)、far better(更好)、failed(失败)、get off the ground(起飞)、Kitty Hawk(基蒂霍克)、industry(行业)、grown(增长)、worse(更糟)、disaster(灾难)、owners(所有者)
6. **Growth benefits investors only when the business in point can invest at incremental returns that are enticing—in other words, only when each dollar used to finance the growth creates over a dollar of long-term market value.**
- **翻译:** 增长只有在涉及的企业能够以诱人的增量回报进行投资时,才能使投资者受益——换句话说,只有当用于资助增长的每一美元都创造出超过一美元的长期市场价值时,增长才对投资者有益。
- **详
- "Growth benefits investors only when" 意味着增长只有在...的情况下对投资者有益。
- "the business in point can invest at incremental returns that are enticing" 表示涉及的企业能够以诱人的增量回报进行投资。
- "in other words" 表示换句话说。
- "only when each dollar used to finance the growth creates over a dollar of long-term market value" 意味着只有当用于资助增长的每一美元都创造出超过一美元的长期市场价值时。
- **重点单词:** growth(增长)、benefits(对...有益)、investors(投资者)、business in point(涉及的企业)、invest(投资)、incremental returns(增量回报)、enticing(诱人的)、in other words(换句话说)、each(每一)、dollar(美元)、used to(用于)、finance(资助)、creates(创造)、long-term(长期的)、market value(市场价值)
7. **In the case of a low-return business requiring incremental funds, growth hurts the investor.**
- **翻译:** 对于低回报的企业,需要增量资金,增长对投资者有害。
- **详解:**
- "In the case of" 意味着在...的情况下。
- "a low-return business requiring incremental funds" 表示低回报的企业,需要增量资金。
- "growth hurts the investor" 意味着增长对投资者有害。
- **重点单词:** low-return(低回报的)、business(企业)、requiring(需要)、incremental funds(增量资金)、growth(增长)、hurts(有害的)、investor(投资者)

02-22 11:18

02-22 15:31


02-22 15:27



02-22 21:35

增长本身不一定带来价值。这里面有两种情况:一种是企业收入增长,但无法转化为利润,增收不增利,赚了个寂寞;另外一种是企业利润持续增长,但利润增长源于高资本投入,增量资本利润率过低,也就是老巴说的“一美元投入不能带来超过一美元的长期市场价值”。$腾讯控股(00700)$ $洋河股份(SZ002304)$