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巴神原文:The third governance case occurs when there is a controlling owner who is not involved in management. This case, examples of which are Hershey Foods and Dow Jones, puts the outside directors in a potentially useful position. If they become unhappy with either the competence or integrity of the manager, they can go directly to the owner (who may also be on the board) and report their dissatisfaction. This situation is ideal for an outside director, since he need make his case only to a single, presumably interested owner, who can forthwith effect change if the argument is persuasive. Even so, the dissatisfied director has only that single course of action. If he remains unsatisfied about a critical matter, he has no choice but to resign.

Logically, the third case should be the most effective in insuring first-class management. In the second case the owner is not going to fire himself, and in the first case, directors often find it very difficult to deal with mediocrity or mild over-reaching. Unless the unhappy directors can win over a majority of the board—an awkward social and logistical task, particularly if management’s behavior is merely odious, not egregious—their hands are effectively tied. In practice, directors trapped in situations of this kind usually convince themselves that by staying around they can do at least some good. Meanwhile, management proceeds unfettered.

英文释义:1.“involved in”意为“参与”;

2.“Hershey Foods”意为“好时食品”;“Dow Jones”意为“道琼斯公司”;“potentially”意为“潜在地”;


4.“make case to…”意为“向…提出理由”;“presumably”意为“可能地”;“forthwith”意为“马上”;“persuasive”意为“有说服力的”;




8.“trapped in”意为“陷入”;“convince”意为“说服”;









westhome2023-08-16 09:58


淡亊2023-08-16 09:35


糖果元2023-08-16 09:27


668专注搞钱2023-08-16 09:05

1. **The third governance case occurs when there is a controlling owner who is not involved in management.**
- 句型:这是一个简单句。
- 语法/用法:
- "The third governance case occurs when":主句,表示第三种治理情况发生在何时。
- "there is a controlling owner who is not involved in management":主语是 "there",谓语是 "is",表示存在。"a controlling owner who is not involved in management" 是定语从句,修饰 "owner",说明这个控制股东并不参与管理。
- 重点词汇:governance case(治理情况)、controlling owner(控制股东)、involved in management(参与管理)
2. **This case, examples of which are Hershey Foods and Dow Jones, puts the outside directors in a potentially useful position.**
- 句型:这是一个简单句。
- 语法/用法:
- "This case":主语,指的是前文提到的第三种治理情况。
- "examples of which are Hershey Foods and Dow Jones":非限制性定语从句,进一步解释 "This case",举例说明 "Hershey Foods" 和 "Dow Jones" 是属于这种情况的例子。
- "puts the outside directors in a potentially useful position":谓语,表示将外部董事置于一个潜在有用的位置。
- 重点词汇:examples(例子)、potentially useful(潜在有用的)、position(位置)
3. **If they become unhappy with either the competence or integrity of the manager, they can go directly to the owner (who may also be on the board) and report their dissatisfaction.**
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包括一个条件从句和一个主句。
- 语法/用法:
- "If they become unhappy with either the competence or integrity of the manager":条件从句,表示如果他们对经理的能力或诚信感到不满意。
- "they can go directly to the owner (who may also be on the board) and report their dissatisfaction":主句,表示他们可以直接去找业主(业主可能也在董事会上)并报告他们的不满。
- 重点词汇:unhappy(不满意的)、competence(能力)、integrity(诚信)、dissatisfaction(不满意)
4. **This situation is ideal for an outside director, since he need make his case only to a single, presumably interested owner, who can forthwith effect change if the argument is persuasive.**
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包括一个主句和一个从句。
- 语法/用法:
- "This situation is ideal for an outside director":主句,表示这种情况对于外部董事来说是理想的。
- "since he need make his case only to a single, presumably interested owner, who can forthwith effect change if the argument is persuasive":从句,因果关系,解释了为什么这种情况对外部董事是理想的。
- 重点词汇:ideal(理想的)、outside director(外部董事)、need(需要)、case(论点)、presumably interested(可能感兴趣的)、forthwith(立即地)、effect change(产生变化)、argument(论证)
5. **Even so, the dissatisfied director has only that single course of action. If he remains unsatisfied about a critical matter, he has no choice but to resign.**
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包括一个转折从句和一个条件从句。
- 语法/用法:
- "Even so, the dissatisfied director has only that single course of action":转折从句,表示尽管如此,不满意的董事只有这一种行动选择。
- "If he remains unsatisfied about a critical matter, he has no choice but to resign":条件从句,表示如果他对关键问题仍然不满意,他别无选择,只能辞职。
- 重点词汇:dissatisfied(不满意的)、single course of action(单一行动选择)、critical matter(关键问题)、resign(辞职)
6. **Logically, the third case should be the most effective in insuring first-class management. In the second case the owner is not going to fire himself, and in the first case, directors often find it very difficult to deal with mediocrity or mild over-reaching.**
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包括一个逻辑关系的句子和一个并列的句子。
- 语法/用法:
- "Logically, the third case should be the most effective in insuring first-class management":逻辑关系,表示从逻辑上讲,第三种情况应该是保障一流管理最有效的情况。
- "In the second case the owner is not going to fire himself, and in the first case, directors often find it very difficult to deal with mediocrity or mild over-reaching":并列的句子,分别描述了第二种和第一种情况的特点。
- 重点词汇:Logically(从逻辑上讲)、effective(有效的)、insuring(保障)、first-class management(一流管理)、fire(解雇)、mediocrity(平庸)、mild over-reaching(轻微扩张)
7. **Unless the unhappy directors can win over a majority of the board—an awkward social and logistical task, particularly if management’s behavior is merely odious, not egregious—their hands are effectively tied.**
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包括一个条件从句和一个主句。
- 语法/用法:
- "Unless the unhappy directors can win over a majority of the board":条件从句,表示除非不满意的董事能够赢得大多数董事会的支持。
- "an awkward social and logistical task, particularly if management’s behavior is merely odious, not egregious":描述了赢得董事会支持的任务可能会很棘手,特别是如果管理层的行为仅仅是可憎的,而不是极端的。
- 重点词汇:win over(赢得支持)、majority(大多数)、board(董事会)、awkward(尴尬的)、social and logistical task(社交和后勤任务)、particularly(特别是)、behavior(行为)、odious(可憎的)、egregious(极端的)
8. **In practice, directors trapped in situations of this kind usually convince themselves that by staying around they can do at least some good. Meanwhile, management proceeds unfettered.**
- 句型:这是一个复合句,包括一个并列的句子和一个主句。
- 语法/用法:
- "In practice, directors trapped in situations of this kind usually convince themselves that by staying around they can do at least some good":并列的句子,描述了实际情况下的董事在这种情况下可能会使自己相信通过留下来,他们至少能做一些有益的事情。
- "Meanwhile, management proceeds unfettered":主句,表示与此同时,管理层继续无拘无束地进行。
- 重点词汇:practice(实际情况)、trapped(陷入)、convince(使相信)、staying around(留下来)、proceeds(进行)、unfettered(无拘无束的)

我爱红薯2023-08-16 08:59



2023-08-16 11:05

DAY 14 大家上午好,明天出差啦😭只能抽空打卡了~

2023-08-16 10:56


2023-08-16 10:47


2023-08-16 10:34


2023-08-16 10:09


2023-08-16 17:13


2023-08-16 15:17


2023-08-16 13:54

1. 没有控股股东的公司不要选。不易约束,容易失控。
2. 控股股东兼CEO,需要具体分析。能力兼人品俱佳极少,江南春就是个特例。不具备普遍性。
3. 第三种情形,互相约束的机制,好于前2种。

哇哇 收到冠亚的礼物啦 太精美了 又有额外小惊喜

2023-08-16 21:11
