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$美瑞健康国际(02327)$ 拜登权力交接程序开始,预计拜登政府政策利好大麻行业,今年受疫情影响,明年经济恢复或更进一步推进大麻合法化。昨日美国大麻概念股集体疯涨,A股港股有望跟风。美瑞最老牌大麻股,期待领涨!


2020-11-27 00:23

The 53 member states of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the UN body charged with supervising the application of the international drug control treaties that form the legal backbone of global drug prohibition, is set to meet in Vienna on December 2-4, and it will take up the question of making some modest scheduling changes to the way cannabis is classified。12月2-4日维也纳联合国麻醉品委员会召开会议投票?这个时间对吗?是决定意义的那个大会吗?