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$中环股份(SZ002129)$ The annual revenue is 40-42 billion, compared with 29 billion in the first three quarters, that is to say, the revenue in the fourth quarter is 11-13 billion, with an average of 12 billion and 11.4 billion in the third quarter, indicating that the revenue in the fourth quarter has increased to some extent. However, as we all know, in the fourth quarter, the overall market of silicon wafers was sluggish in demand and the prices continued to fall. In such a bad market situation, the revenue could be kept growing quarter-on-quarter, which means that the market share of other silicon wafer enterprises was robbed. Why? Relying on the cost advantage of single watt and the concept of achieving customers.


2022-01-27 17:20

那个 rob 用得太贴切了

2022-01-27 17:20


2022-01-27 17:19
