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$康宝莱(HLF)$ 康宝莱的反对者又发动了一轮运动,要求美国监管加快对康宝莱的调查和作出结论。我发了评论在ValueWalk文章劝他们有耐心,认真调查总比匆忙做结论好,以免弄得像嘉汉林业的案子这样没法收拾。所有因为做空者的诈骗指控而被停牌的公司的股东其实也应该要求先恢复交易,除非证券监管已经有证据做出诈骗指控:
 $嘉汉林业(TRE.TO)$ $汉能薄膜发电(00566)$ $奇峰国际(01228)$ $天合化工(01619)$


It's better taking some time to do the investigation than jumping to conclusion without evidences. The Sino-Forest case in Canada is a mess, because the Canadian regulator (OSC) believed the U.S. short-seller Carson Block and jumped to the conclusion that Sino-Forest is a massive fraud, Ponzi scheme.

The OSC alleged Sino-Forest of fraud, faking illegal contracts and ownership of forests, and there is no trees. However, more and more evidences are now found to prove that the trees are there and the contracts are legal. China's court finds that the OSC's allegations are groundless.

Ned Goodman blamed the OSC for the collapse of Sino-Forest, revealing that the OSC hasn't found any evidence for its allegations. So far, the OSC hasn't publicized any evidence, and it has given up seeking any criminal charges, refuses to bring the case to court trial. Instead, the OSC is having a hearing of Sino-Forest case before its own panel to seek administrative penalty.

Shareholders of Sino-Forest have already lost all investments for the stock has been cancelled after the restructuring let creditors take over all assets, 800,000 hectares trees plus manufacture plants, nursery gardens, office buildings and industrial lands in China.



2015-06-27 21:53